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Fighting to Protect Flood Prone Communities

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Providing Federal Funding for Flood Prevention and Damage Repair

Demanded and Secured Funding for Watershed and Flood Prevention Operations
  • Led a bipartisan effort demanding funds for these key operations after President Bush zeroed out the programs. Was able to secure $30 million dollars to be used by local flood agencies to remove flood prone homes and businesses from flood zones, elevating properties to eliminate flood damage, and flood proofing additional structures. Specifically, $2.4 million was secured for the Neshaminy watershed.
Secured over $1 Million Dollars for Yardley Borough Flood Repairs
  • This funding will help reduce the burden placed on Yardley taxpayers for repairing and replacing their sewer system, as well as start funding important prevention measures.

Providing Help and Services to Flood Victims

Wrote and Passed Legislation to Create the Office of the Flood Insurance Advocate
  • This legislation, once signed into law, will create an independent office in FEMA whose sole purpose is to identify and correct ways in which FEMA and the National Flood Insurance Program are failing to serve flood victims. Too many flood victims can not get the relief they need because of red tape – this office will fight on their behalf.
Voted for the Flood Insurance Reform & Modernization Act, H.R. 3121
  • This legislation extends the National Flood Insurance Program through 2013 with $20.8 billion dollars in borrowing authority. The bill also increases the coverage limits on policies that may be purchased by homeowners and businesses.

Calling for Better Management of the Delaware River Reservoirs

Led Bipartisan and Multi-State Efforts and Testified to the Delaware River Basin Commission
  • Repeatedly called for the DRBC to set a limit of 80% capacity on the Delaware River Reservoirs.
Working with the Army Corps of Engineers
  • Congressman Murphy is working with the Army Corps of Engineers to study changes to the Delaware River flood plains and create a comprehensive flood mitigation program to include local projects as well as changes in New York’s reservoir operations.

Coordinating with Local, Regional and National Authorities

Working with Municipal Officials and the Bucks County Flood Task Force
  • Rep. Murphy formed this group of local officials to advise him on flood mitigation and recovery efforts. It also suggests measures to address flooding problems in the effected areas along the Delaware River in Bucks County.
Member of the Congressional Hazards Caucus and Delaware River Basin Flood Task Force
  • The Hazards Caucus hosts events including Capitol Hill briefings, roundtable discussions, and special forums to educate Members of Congress on the steps that federal, state and local governments can take to lessen the severity of disasters. The Flood Task Force meets regularly with regional authorities like the DRBC to discuss specific tactics to address flooding in the Delaware River Basin.

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