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I have fought against attempts over the years to weaken minimum wage laws because no matter how hard a person works, unless they earn a livable wage, they are at risk of being impoverished. Currently, I serve as Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) Labor Taskforce which serves as a liaison between the CBC and labor advocates. The CBC Labor Taskforce coordinates briefings, meetings, and develops policy on the many issues that affect American workers.

One of the cornerstones of our efforts has been to promote pay parity and the rights of workers to organize collectively. I have fought every attempt to repeal Davis-Bacon prevailing wage standards, and continue to combat child labor abuses. It is a national and international fight. For example, Congress is currently crafting the reauthorization of the Trafficking in Victims Protection Act, and I continue to work in a bipartisan manner to combat modern-day slavery in every corner of the world. The cycle of oppression and forced labor must come to an end.

Fair and adequate employment rights are also the cornerstone of anti-poverty initiatives. It took far too long, but after 10 years, we successfully increased the national minimum wage from $5.15 per hour to $7.25 per hour. This great accomplishment moves us in the direction of establishing a national livable wage.

In an era of globalization that has hit Georgia hard, it is a priority to fight for better programs and increased funding for American workers through initiatives like the Trade Adjustment Assistance program, the Manufacturing Extension Partnership, and increased funding and contract opportunities for small, minority, veteran, and women-owned businesses. In 1989, I led Congress in supporting the workers of Eastern Airlines during their labor dispute and nearly 20 years later,  led the bipartisan Georgia delegation in standing up for 55,000 Delta Airline employees in our state who sacrificed so much to survive three difficult years of bankruptcy.

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