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Independent Oversight
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Emergency Management Oversight
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Independent Oversight
Security Evaluations
Cyber Security Evaluations
Emergency Management Oversight
Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations
Security Evaluations
Cyber Security Evaluations
Emergency Management Oversight
Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations
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Independent Oversight
Security Evaluations
Cyber Security Evaluations
Emergency Management Oversight
Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations
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Office of Independent Oversight
(Direct Report to the Deputy Chief for Operations, Office of Health, Safety and Security)





Mission and Functions


The Office of Independent Oversight provides an independent assessment of the effectiveness of policies and programs in safeguards and security; cyber security; emergency management oversight; environment, safety and health (ES&H); and other critical functions of immediate interest to the Secretary, the Deputy Secretary, the Administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), the Under Secretary for Energy, and the Under Secretary for Science. The office is independent of the DOE offices that develop and implement policy and programs and can therefore objectively observe Departmental operations, providing unbiased information to senior DOE managers using a systematic oversight process that emphasizes performance and performance testing.


  • Maintains communication, coordination, and feedback with the Secretary and senior DOE managers to identify their issues and concerns, interface with DOE operations offices and field elements, the NNSA, congressional staff and other stakeholders.

  • Provides quality management (e.g., in reviewing and approving reports, ensuring effective validation processes, and establishing quality review boards).

  • Provides strategic direction (e.g., setting priorities and establishing policies).






This page was last updated on March 14, 2009
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