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Patrick Murphy to Introduce First Piece of Legislation: A Plan to End Waste, Fraud and Abuse in Iraq Print E-mail
Friday, 19 January 2007
Murphy’s Bill Requires Accountability on How Taxpayer Dollars are Spent in Iraq, Establishes a Truman-Type Commission To Track Wasteful Spending and Requires Budgeting of Iraq War Costs

Washington, DC -- Today, Pennsylvania Congressman Patrick Murphy (D-8th District) joined other members of the Democratic Blue Dog Coalition for a press conference to announce his first piece of legislation. Congressman Murphy’s bill will be introduced next week. As of the press conference today, there were already 32 co-sponsors to the bill of which Murphy is the lead sponsor. Murphy’s resolution focuses on four crucial points for demanding fiscal responsibility in Iraq: a call for transparency and accountability on how Iraq war funds are spent; the creation of a Truman Commission-type committee to investigate the awarding of contracts and curb waste, fraud and abuse; a need to fund the Iraq war through the normal budgeting process and not through “emergency” supplemental budgets; and to encourage Iraqis to take responsibility for their own country and improve Iraqi assumption of internal policing operations.

“My legislation addresses the glaring lack of oversight and accountability in Iraq and how taxpayer dollars are spent,” said Congressman Patrick Murphy. “It is long past time we kept track of the money we spend in Iraq and replace waste, fraud and abuse with oversight, responsibility and accountability. This resolution puts forward tangible, commonsense proposals that ensure more resources get to the troops in the field. These are measures everyone can agree on, regardless of political party.”

Congressman Murphy also signed on to co-sponsor legislation by Congressman Mike Thompson (D-CA) that would tackle some of the same specific points of the legislation that Murphy will introduce. Thompson’s legislation, which was introduced in previous sessions of Congress, requires accountability on how Iraq war funds are spent and would provide Congress with a detailed accounting of the types and terms of contracts awarded on behalf of the United States as well as the method for awarding those contracts.

“Pennsylvania families are frustrated with the billions of dollars and thousands of weapons missing in Iraq and it’s time for answers. My legislation will begin to demand those answers and I am proud so many of my colleagues are joining me in this effort,” added Murphy.

Blue Dog members participating in today’s event included: Representative Patrick Murphy (PA-08), Rep. Jane Harman (CA-36), Rep. John Tanner (TN-08); Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-01); Rep. Jim Marshall (GA-08); Rep. Mike Ross (AR-04), Co-Chair for Communications; Rep. Allen Boyd (FL-02), Co-Chair for Administration; Rep. Dennis Moore (KS-03), Co-Chair for Policy; and Rep. Stephanie Herseth (SD-AL), Whip.

Media Contact:
Adam Abrams 202.225.4276