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Patrick Murphy Named "Blue Dog of the Week" Print E-mail
Monday, 23 April 2007
Pennsylvania Congressman Recognized for Efforts on Behalf of America’s Service Men and Women

Washington, DC -- Today the fiscally conservative Democratic Blue Dog Coalition recognized Pennsylvania Representative Patrick Murphy for his efforts on behalf of America’s service men and women by naming him “Blue Dog of the Week.” Rep. Murphy introduced H.Res.97, Blue Dog sponsored legislation that would bring increased fiscal accountability to the war in Iraq, and he continues to work together with his colleagues to push for House consideration of the measure.

“As an Iraq war veteran in the House of Representatives, Rep. Murphy understands the needs of the brave men and women serving our country overseas,” said Rep. Mike Ross (D-AR), Blue Dog Co-Chair for Communications. “As a leader within the Blue Dog Coalition on matters of national security and lead sponsor of H.Res.97, Rep. Murphy is committed to passing legislation ensuring that taxpayer dollars are used efficiently to provide necessary resources to our troops in the field.”

“I am proud to be a part of the Blue Dog Coalition and with them I am working on the important task of stopping war profiteering in Iraq,” said Congressman Patrick Murphy. “There has been a glaring lack of oversight and accountability in how the Iraq war has been run and how taxpayer dollars have been spent. Our commonsense resolution will stop the harmful pattern of waste, fraud and abuse and ensure that more resources get to our troops in the field.”

Rep. Murphy and his Blue Dog colleagues introduced H.Res.97, “Providing for Operation Iraqi Freedom Cost Accountability.” The resolution focuses on four crucial points including: calling for more transparency on how Iraq war funds are spent; creating a Truman Commission to investigate the awarding of contracts to look into reports of war profiteering; calling for future funding of the Iraq war to be done through the normal appropriations process and not through hiding the costs of the war in so- called “emergency” supplementals; and, demanding greater responsibility of the Iraqis for their own security and internal policing operations.

The conservative Blue Dog Coalition was formed in 1995 with the goal of representing the center of the House of Representatives and appealing to the mainstream values of the American public. The Blue Dogs are dedicated to a core set of beliefs that transcend partisan politics, including a deep commitment to the financial stability and national security of the United States. Currently there are 43 members of the Blue Dog Coalition.

Rep. Murphy is currently featured on the Blue Dog Coalition website.