House Energy and Commerce Committee Republicans


Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection

Jurisdiction: Interstate and foreign commerce, including all trade matters within the jurisdiction of the full committee; Regulation of commercial practices (the FTC), including sports-related matters; Consumer affairs and consumer protection, including privacy matters generally; consumer product safety (the CPSC); product liability; and motor vehicle safety; Regulation of travel, tourism, and time; and, Homeland security-related aspects of the foregoing, including cybersecurity.

Subcommittee on Energy and Environment

Jurisdiction: National energy policy generally; Fossil energy, renewable energy resources and synthetic fuels; energy conservation; energy information; energy regulation and utilization; Utility issues and regulation of nuclear facilities; Interstate energy compacts; Nuclear energy and waste; The Clean Air Act; All laws, programs, and government activities affecting such matters; and, Homeland security-related aspects of the foregoing.

Subcommittee on Health

Jurisdiction: Public health and quarantine; hospital construction; mental health and research; biomedical programs and health protection in general, including Medicaid and national health insurance; Food and drugs; Drug abuse; and, Homeland security-related aspects of the foregoing.

Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations

Jurisdiction: Responsibility for oversight of agencies, departments, and programs within the jurisdiction of the full committee, and for conducting investigations within such jurisdiction.

Subcommittee on Communications, Technology, and the Internet

Jurisdiction: Interstate and foreign telecommunications including, but not limited to all telecommunication and information transmission by broadcast, radio, wire, microwave, satellite, or other mode; and, Homeland security-related aspects of the foregoing, including cybersecurity.

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