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Emergency Management Oversight Guidance Documents

Office of Emergency Management Oversight Appraisal Process Guide, April 2008 HTML
Inspection Criteria, Activities, and Lines of Inquiry (April 23, 2008) HTML
Emergency Management Limited Scope Performance Test Inspectors Guide, March 2008 HTML
Emergency Management Elements and Controlling Documents

DOE Order 151.1C, "Comprehensive Emergency Management System," describes DOE's emergency management system. The Order establishes policy; assigns roles and responsibilities; and provides the framework for the developing, coordinating, controlling, and directing the Department's emergency management system. The accompanying Emergency Management Guides provides an acceptable approach for implementing the requirements and expectations of O 151.1C. The Emergency Management Guides (DOE G 151.1) can be accessed at The Office of Emergency Management and Policy (NA-41) is the office of primary interest for the order and guide.

These documents discuss 15 emergency management program elements that comprise a comprehensive system of emergency management. They are:

  • Hazards Survey and Hazards Assessment

  • Emergency Response Organization

  • Offsite Response Interfaces

  • Categorization and Classification

  • Notifications and Communications

  • Consequence Assessment

  • Protective Actions and Reentry

  • Emergency Medical Support

  • Emergency Public Information

  • Emergency Facilities and Equipment

  • Termination and Recovery

  • Program Administration

  • Training and Drills

  • Exercises

  • Readiness Assurance

The Guide, which is subdivided into five volumes, discusses each of these elements in detail. Volume 1 of the Guide, "Management Fundamentals and the Operational Emergency Base ", provides an overview of the Guide's purpose and layout. In addition, Volume 3 of the Guide provides information on Standard Format and Content for Emergency Plans and Emergency Readiness Assurance Plans (ERAPs), as well as a chapter on evaluating emergency management programs.


This page was last updated on April 02, 2009
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