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Office of Emergency Management Oversight
(Reports to the Office of Independent Oversight)

Mission and Functions


The Office of Emergency Management Oversight is responsible for regular independent assessments of DOE emergency management policies and programs, which includes assessing hazard surveys; emergency planning hazards assessments; emergency plans and procedures; training, drills, and exercises; emergency public information; readiness assurance; and include limited scope performance tests. As part of these inspections, we also assess the effectiveness of line management and direction provided by the DOE program offices.


  • Conducts regular assessments of emergency management programs at DOE sites that have significant amounts of special nuclear material or other hazards.

  • Develops recommendations and opportunities for improving emergency management for submittal to line organizations and the Office of Emergency Operations.

  • Evaluates and assesses DOE policies related to emergency management.

  • Evaluates the effectiveness of DOE field element and program office efforts to monitor and assess contractor performance of their emergency management program.

  • Identifies effective practices and lessons learned pertinent to emergency management and provides them to policy and line organizations to implement improvements throughout the complex.

  • Performs follow-up reviews to ensure corrective actions are effective.

  • Performs complex-wide studies of issues and generic weaknesses in emergency management programs.

  • Participates in security and ES&H appraisals when appropriate to ensure emergency management issues are considered in the context of those programs.


This page was last updated on March 15, 2009
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