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Working Capital Fund Staff WCF Staff
Bob Emond, Howard Borgstrom, Ronald Mayo
August 17, 2009:
Attached for your consideration is the FY 2009 Third Quarter Report to the WCF Board. Based on our reviews, the Fund is performing in a manner consistent with Board policy. Cumulative earned revenue is $ 105.1 million for the Third Quarter. Business Expense for the same period is $109.4 million resulting in net loss of $4.3 million. This is due largely to $3 million advanced in FY 2008 for network upgrades and the transition to digital phone switches. Both activities were billed to programs in prior years, but the costs are recorded in FY 2009.
June 8, 2009:
The Working Capital Fund Board met on June 3 to discuss the financial performance of the Fund and to discuss issues related to the FY 2011 budget request. The draft minutes of the meeting are attached for your review. If you have any questions, please contact Robert Emond at 202.586.2354.
May 28, 2009:
On May 27, the WCF Fund Manager issued the WCF FY2011 Budget Guidance for use in Program budgets. This guidance is based on current policies as well as proposals being considered by the WCF Board. This proposal should receive final Board consideration this summer before Program budgets are due for review by the Office of Budget. If you have any questions, please contact Robert Emond at 202.586.2354.
May 27, 2009:
The Working Capital Fund received an audit opinion pursuant to the DOE A-123, Management Accountability and Control program. The evaluation discusses risks associated with Fund Operations and internal controls that are in place to mitigate those specific risks. A separate evaluation of the WCF Accounting procedures was conducted last year and reported to the Board at that time. This evaluation reviewed non-accounting procedures and focused largely on the governance practices of the WCF. The summary finding follows: The tests showed that the controls are in place and are working as designed. Based on the tests conducted it appears that the controls are adequate to mitigate the risks.

If you would like to receive a copy of the complete evaluation of WCF governance controls or the accounting evaluation, please contact Robert Emond at 202.586.2354.
May 5, 2009:
Attached for your consideration is the FY 2009 Second Quarter Report to the WCF Board. Based on our reviews, the Fund is performing in a manner consistent with Board policy. Cumulative earned revenue is $65.2 million for the Second Quarter. Current earnings are below budget estimates because of the extent of the Continuing Resolutions, which will be remedied in the third quarter report. Business Expense for the same period is $70.9 million resulting in net loss of $5.7 million, due largely to $3 million advanced in FY 2008 for network upgrades, which costs are being reported in FY 2009. This upgrade was financed from cumulative profits in the Network business line; therefore, there is no income to offset these costs.
February 6, 2009:
The Fund Manager is releasing the FY 2009 First Quarter Report of WCF Operations. Based on our reviews, the Fund is performing in a manner consistent with past years. Most businesses are expected to break even. Earned revenue for the Fund has totaled slightly under $31.3 million for the first quarter, on track for an annual level of approximately $117.5 million (consistent with the Continuing Resolution). Business Expense for the same period was $30.5 million resulting in net income of $0.8 million.
January 29, 2009:
The Fund Manager and Working Capital Fund Businesses have revised the "Guide to Services, Policies and Procedures", the Blue Book for FY 2009.
December 23, 2008:
The Fund Manager has revised budget estimates for FY 2010 for use in program budgets. You can find the guidance under the customer tab on this web page. These estimates are based on current Board pricing policies and are updated to reflect FY 2008 actual consumption levels.
December 5, 2008:
The Board Chair released the FY 2008 Annual Report to the WCF Board at its December 3, 2008 Board Meeting. The operating statement and the balance sheet of the Fund reflect continued health of the Fund and its component businesses. While the Department's records show FY 2008 business line costs slightly in excess of earnings, cumulative business line expenses since FY 1997 are 99% of earnings, well within the defined criteria for operating a revolving account under a break-even policy objective. The Board, the Fund Manager, and the business line officials have built a partnership that yielded a balance sheet capable of sustaining current operations while making the highest priority capital investments. Please read the complete report for detailed information about the net income for each business line, a description and explanation of balance sheet items, and a performance report by each business line financed in the DOE WCF.
October 25, 2008:
The Fund Manager has completed this year's version of the Working Capital Fund Benefit/Cost Analysis Update, (1997-2008). The purpose of this paper is to update the financial benefit/cost analysis for the Working Capital Fund to include estimated Fund financial results for FY 2008. This paper compares the Department's average annual spending levels for the services included in the Fund for the four years before the creation of the Fund to the twelve years since creation of the Fund.

Summary of Results
  • During the 12 years of the Fund, the average annual costs of continuing businesses decreased by $ 6.1 million or over 7 % in current (as spent) dollars, so direct DOE budget savings have been $73.2 million. When inflation is taken into consideration, the savings from the Fund are estimated to be nearly $20 million/year or over 20%. This represents approximately $239 million over the life of the Fund in constant FY 2000 dollars.
  • While there are many qualifiers on this analysis, the evidence remains strong that the Department has achieved substantial net economic benefits from the market-like approach of the Fund to the provision of common administration services to Headquarters.
August 25, 2008:
The Fund Manager presents the FY 2008 WCF Cost Structure Analysis. This report is prepared in response to the 1997 Inspector General report on Fund pricing structure. Highlights include: changes to Fund operations since the original report, the impact of competitive sourcing on Fund businesses, and a history of cost trends since FY 1998.
August 12, 2008:
The Fund Manager has completed FY 2008 Third Quarter Reviews with the respective Working Capital Fund businesses and has prepared the Third Quarter Report for your review. The July WCF Bill is also available now.
June 12, 2008:
During February/March 2008, the Working Capital Fund (WCF) was audited, consistent with the DOE effort under OMB Circular A-123. The audit mapped financial processes and tested internal controls related to collecting program funding, obligating it to WCF accounts, distributing these funds to business accounts and charging program accounts with costs in a timely and accurate manner. The CFO, through its contractors, audited both Working Capital Fund Accounting and Sub-allocations of Working Capital Funds in two separate audits.

The audits evaluated three types of risk: 1) The impact to the Department if the accounting for the WCF is incorrect; 2) if billings to customers are incorrect; and 3) if sub-allocations to business lines are incorrect or untimely. The audit identified sixteen controls currently in place by fund management to eliminate the risks identified. The auditors conducted sixteen tests to determine the effectiveness of these controls in addition to determining whether there was a need for further controls. The auditors report documents the financial controls of the fund and explains the performance of these controls.

The tests resulted in no failures of controls and gave the auditor reasonable assurance of internal controls over the financial processes of the WCF.
May 13, 2008:
The WCF Fund Manager invites you to review the FY 2008 Five-Year Plans prepared by the respective businesses for your review. If you have comments, please provide them to Bob Emond or directly to the business point of contact listed elsewhere on this page.
May 12, 2008:
The Fund Manager has completed FY 2008 Second Quarter Reviews with the respective Working Capital Fund businesses and has prepared the attached FY 2008 Second Quarter Report for your review. The April WCF Bill is also available now.
April 25, 2008:
The Draft Minutes for the February 27, 2008 Board Meeting are available for your review.
February 20, 2008:
The Fund Manager has released the FY 2008 First Quarter Report to the Working Capital Fund Board in draft for their review prior to the WCF Board Meeting scheduled for February 27, 2008.
December 14, 2007:
The Fund Manager and Working Capital Fund Businesses have revised the "Guide to Services, Policies and Procedures", the Blue Book for FY 2008."
December 14, 2007:
The Draft Minutes for the December 6, 2007 Working Capital Fund meeting is now available for your review.
December 7, 2007:
The Working Capital Fund Board met yesterday. The Board approved the May 23 Minutes. The Chair presented the FY 2007 Annual Report to the Board. The financial condition of the Fund is sound. The Fund experienced -$0.9 million in net earnings during FY 2007 on earnings of $107.2 million. Despite this loss, the fund has recorded cumulative net earnings of $12.9 million since FY 1997 or approximately 1.3% of earnings over the eleven year period. Financial performance has varied substantially among businesses, but the overall result for the first eleven years has been substantially a breakeven situation, in line with Congressional and Departmental policies.
  Guide to Services

Service Providers:

Office Supplies - PAPERCLIPS, operates two main and one satellite self service stores for the Department of Energy Office of Administration, Office of Operations. These stores provide a wide variety of consumable office products that are tailored to meet the DOE customer's requirements. Although there is no associated web site currently, we are negotiating with the service providers to initiate this facility for ease of customer use.
Mail Business Line - The DOE Mail Center provides a variety of mail services for all official and other authorized mail for the Department of Energy and its employees. The services provided include the processing of all incoming postal mail, outgoing official mail, internal mail processing, accountable mail processing, pouch mail, a variety of overnight express mail services, directory services, and pick-up and delivery services.
Photocopy and Printing & Graphics Business Lines - Printing, Copying and Distribution Services include: Copier Management Program, DOE Printing and Mail Policy, Staffed Copy Center , Walk-Up Copier Locations, Digital Reproduction of Documents, Optical Scanning, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Printing Procurement Products and Services, Web Job Tracking System, Distribution Services, Map of DOE Field Facilities for Copying & Duplicating and Field Facilities Contacts for Printing & Mail.
Building Occupancy Business Line - includes: Rent, Operations & Maintenance, Parking, Supply Stores, SEET Schedule and Form, Cafeterias, Tenant Alterations, Keys and Locks, Space Management, Headquarters Occupational Safety and Health, and the Recycling Program.
Telephone Business Line - provides DOE HQ Network users and administrators with information and support within the area of Telecommunications Management at DOE Headquarters .
Networking Business Line - The DOE Corporate Network (DOEnet) is a centrally-managed Wide Area Network designed to carry business sensitive data to users throughout the DOE community. DOEnet provides connectivity between 38 DOE sites utilizing Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) technology.
DOENet Operations - provides a broad range of technical support services for the daily operations, maintenance, and administration of network syste ms and services used by all DOE Headquarters organizations.
Project Management Career Developer Program (PMCDP) - Services provided include: Coursework research and development, Project Management Research and Development, Courseware Prototype and Delivery, Curriculum Management, Certification Management, Evaluation, Market Research, Marketing and Knowledge Management.
Corporate Training Services - Business Line combines Training Delivery and Services (TDS) with The Energy Online Learning Center (OLC) to deliver courses which support the department's mission progra ms . This new business will continue the goals of the Professional Skills Training and the OLC to focus on customer requirements and develop course offerings that serve the evolving needs of the Department's program missions.
CHRIS Business Line - The Corporate Human Resource Information System (CHRIS) is a nation-wide operational system within the Department of Energy that serves as the official system of record for human resource management information for all DOE employees.
Procurement Management - The Procurement Management Business Line combines Purchase Card Surveillance with Contract Closeout to further ensure the integrity of the procurement function within the DOE. These business segments help validate compliance with procedures and improve the internal controls of the Department and respond to specific issues raised by the Inspector General. Ultimately, they result in savings to programs by avoiding fraud, waste, and abuse. This business does not maintain a web site, however, you can get contact information at the link to DOE Procurement.

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