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Office of the Chief Information Officer
banner with color and BW versions of DOE Seal, photos of shuttle bus, garage, and copier

and other Visual Media

The Visual Media Department consists of a team of graphic artists, photographers and visual librarians working together to provide a wide variety of visual media for the Department of Energy.

If you have need of our services and you are located at either of the Forrestal Building or Germantown complexes, submit a completed Request for Print, Mail and Visual Media Services HQ F 1420.7 . Please follow the instructions provided, print and sign the form, then deliver it to us. This is an Acrobat file that is both fillable and can be saved with the Acrobat Reader.

The form MUST be signed by a Federal employee of DOE before the project can be started. The signature is our authorization to spend budgeted funds necessary to satisfy your requirement. Additionally, it is the requestor’s certification that the work requested is necessary to conduct official DOE business and that the requestor is a Federal (not a contractor) employee of DOE.

You may also send the completed form to us by email by clicking this link, or by e-mailing graphics@hq.doe.gov. However, because of the authorization and certification issues already mentioned, it will still be necessary to visit our office to sign the work request.


 DOE Logo, DOE Seal and DOE Word Mark

The DOE logo for use on DOE publications etc. is available for download. Go>

The DOE seal for use on DOE publications etc. is available for download. Go>

The DOE word mark for use on DOE publications etc. is available for download. Go>
Information on the DOE Logo Graphical Elements Requirements is available for reading and download. Go>

Room:  BH-039
Phone:  (202) 586-2732
Fax:  (202) 586-7724

Room:   E-065
Phone:  (301) 903-5165
Fax:  (301) 903-5337

Certificates, Plaques & Special Awards

Design Presentations

Document Imaging

Enhance & Print Your Files

Exhibits & Posters

Link: The White House Link: USA.gov Link: E-gov Link: Information Quality (IQ) Link: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Link: Privacy Program
U.S. Department of Energy | 1000 Independence Ave., SW | Washington, DC 20585
1-800-dial-DOE | f/202-586-4403