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Solar Energy Technologies Program
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Photovoltaics Concentrating Solar Power Systems Integration Market Transformation

The Solar Energy Technologies Program (SETP or the Solar Program), a federal program of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), focuses on accelerating the advancement of solar energy technologies. This section describes each of the Solar Program's four subprogram areas: photovoltaics (PV), concentrating solar power (CSP), market transformation, and systems integration.

These four subprograms support the Solar Program's goal of increasing the widespread adoption of solar electric technologies across the United States through applied research and development, demonstration, and market transformation activities. To further the development of cost-effective on-site and utility-scale solar electricity production and reduce market barriers to solar technologies, SETP partners with national laboratories, universities, industry, professional associations, other DOE programs, and federal, state, and local agencies across the nation.

Information about the Solar Heating and Lighting subprogram and the Solar Thermal subprogram can be found on the Buildings Technologies Program Web site.


The photovoltaic (PV) subprogram partners with industry, national labs, and universities to accelerate cost reductions and ensure reliability of PV technologies. The subprogram supports research to improve efficiencies of solar cells, modules, and systems; reduce solar manufacturing and installation costs; and increase solar system operating life and reliability.

Concentrating Solar Power

The concentrating solar power (CSP) subprogram collaborates with industry and national labs to advance the development of CSP systems and storage technologies. With renewed interest, DOE is dedicating increasing resources to CSP research and deployment efforts.

Market Transformation

The market transformation subprogram focuses on reducing barriers to the adoption of solar technologies through targeted activities that encompass solar codes and standards, workforce development, analysis of system financing options, and strategic industry partnerships.

Systems Integration

The systems integration subprogram focuses on reducing the technical and economic barriers that prohibit high levels of renewable energy on the electric power system. Systems integration activities include collaborating with organizations, such as the DOE Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, to work with utilities and industry to develop the technologies and methods that will enable widespread penetration of distributed solar technologies.