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Odessa Subarea Special Study


The Odessa Subarea Special Study will investigate the possibility of continuing development of the Columbia Basin Project to deliver project water to lands currently using groundwater in the Odessa Subarea. The aquifer is declining to such an extent that the ability of farmers to irrigate their crops is at risk and domestic, commercial, municipal, and industrial uses and water quality are also affected. In response to the public's concern about the declining aquifer and associated economic and other effects, Congress has provided funding to Reclamation to investigate the problem. The State of Washington has agreed to partner with Reclamation, providing funding and collaborating on various technical studies. more>>

Related Information Study Updates
04/2009 Study Update PDF 34 kb
11/2008 Study Update PDF 27 kb
08/2008 Study Update PDF 68 kb
04/2008 Study Update PDF 32 kb
02/2008 Study Update PDF 109 kb
11/2007 Study Update PDF 49 kb
10/2007 Study Update PDF 841 kb
09/2006 Study Update PDF 1 mb
04/2006 Study Update PDF 98 kb
News Releases
09/02/08 Reclamation and Ecology Host Public Meetings for Odessa Subarea Special Study HTML
04/01/08 Reclamation Releases Report Summarizing Odessa Subarea Special Study Findings HTML
10/15/07 Reclamation to Hold Public Meetings to Discuss the Odessa Subarea Special Study HTML
09/29/06 Reclamation Identifies Water Delivery Alternatives within the Odessa Subarea HTML
02/03/06 Reclamation to Hold Open House for the Odessa Subarea Special Study HTML
11/2008 Scoping Summary Report PDF 4.1 mb
04/01/2008 Appraisal-Level Investigation Summary of Findings HTML
09/29/2006 Initial Alternative Development & Evaluation PDF 1.9 mb
02/12/2006 Plan of Study PDF 883 kb
Meetings and Related Materials
09/10-11/08 Meeting Agendas PDF 70 kb
  PowerPoint Presentation PDF 281 kb
  Alternative Components Map PDF 3.28 mb
  Environmental Compliance Handouts PDF 60 kb
  Economic Analysis Handouts PDF 112 kb
  Comment Form
PDF 29 kb
10/23/2007 Comment Form PDF 74 kb
  Appraisal Investigation Presentation PDF 2.3 mb
  Groundwater Conditions Presentation PDF 6.3 mb
  Meeting Notice 10/23/2007 PDF 28 kb
  Agenda: 1:00 p.m. Meeting PDF 26 kb
  Agenda: 6:00 p.m. Meeting PDF 26 kb

Open House

  Handouts PDF 324 kb
  Overview PDF 264 kb
  Economic Study PDF 166 kb

If you wish to provide comments, please email studymanager@pn.usbr.gov or call Kim McCartney, Study Manager at (509) 575-5848 x370. .

Last Update: April 2, 2009 9:20 AM