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Office of the Chief Information Officer

Property FAQs

1. What documents are required by the Office of Property Management (OPM) to tag equipment that has been purchased by a Government credit card or purchase order?
The program offices should provide to the Office of Property Management a copy of the purchase requisition or purchase order. This documentation should include a description of what was ordered, quantity ordered, a unit price, vendor name and warranty information. This paperwork can be faxed to the Office of Property Management, hand-carried, or mailed.
Forrestal Office-Room 1F-039; fax number (202) 586-7621
Germantown Office-Room R-003/R-006; fax number (301) 903-3790

2. How long do I have to inform the Accountable Property Representative (APR) that I received accountable personal property?
All direct delivered property must be reported to the APR within 72 hours.

3. Does each piece of property received require a Certificate of Property Receipt?
Yes, all personally assigned property requires a Certificate of Property Receipt to confirm that it was received.

4. How do I turn in equipment or furniture that is no longer needed by our organization?
Equipment or furniture that is no longer needed by an organization must be turned in on a Property Transfer or Turn-In (TP) form, DOE HQ F 1400.18 (pdf). Condition of all equipment and furniture must be noted on the TP. When equipment is turned in, the DOE tag number must be on the TP. Computer hard drives must be sanitized and a certification statement of this must be on the TP and signed by the organization's computer security officer. Stock numbers must be included on the TP for any furniture that is being turned in. All TP forms must be signed by the organization's APR. Never put equipment or furniture in the hallways or in the trash. Forms should be forwarded to the respective property office in relation to your location.

5. What paperwork is necessary to remove DOE property from the buildings?
To remove property from any Headquarters building, you must have a Property Removal Authorization (PRA) form, HQ F 1400.25. This form needs to be filled out completely and signed by an Authorized Property Pass Signer. Any DOE tagged equipment removed must have the DOE tag number on the Property Removal Authorization. The HQ F 1400.25 is available from the HQ Office of Property Management, Forrestal room 1F-039 and Germantown room R-006.

6. How do I request furniture and office equipment (calculators, typewriters, etc.)?
Customers in need of furniture and furnishings submit a requisition form DOE F 4250.2 (pdf) to the Office of Property Management, which contains the list of items wanted. The form should be completely filled out to include the requesting office, room number, building location, phone number, recipient of the furniture, and all appropriate signatures.  For Class A furniture a justification and grade of the recipient is required. The Office of Property Management requests the price quote from the vendor and provides the price quote to the customer for review, approval and funding stream.  Upon the receipt of these items, the Office of Property Management creates the requisition in STRIPES and routes the requisition for all needed approvals.  The order is placed by the Office of Procurement and Assistance Management after all approvals are completed.  Note: Office supplies are ordered from the DOE HQ supply stores.

7. Am I allowed to take computer equipment home?
Computers and related items may be authorized for home use. However, in accordance with DOEPMR 109-1.5102, Government personal property must be used only to perform official U.S. Government work. Items must be made available for inventory when requested. Please refer to HQ O 580.1 for procedures for documenting the removal of property.

8. What should I do if I lose property?
All thefts or suspected thefts of personal property must be reported to Headquarters Security Office (HSO) Protective Force (PF).  Before an RWO is provided to the Office of Property Management, the APR should exhaust every effort to locate the property. The RWO should have attached an Incident Report from PF for each item that is a suspected theft. Reports of LDD property must be completed on an RWO and under the following circumstances:

  • Property is known to have been stolen;
  • Property has been lost and an extensive search has failed to result in recovery;
  • Property has been maliciously damaged; or
  • Property has been recovered.

9. What is my role in the inventory process?

Preparation guidelines include the following action items:

  • Remove any property from secured or concealed areas (e.g., closets, drawers, cabinets) for inclusion in the inventory campaign;
  • Ensure that desktop computers and other personal property are visible and easily accessible;
  • Renew the “Certificate of Property Receipt” (HQ F 4420.1) for all assigned property, including PDAs, cell phones, and laptops;
  • Renew the “Property Removal Authorization” (HQ F 1400.25) for all laptops;
  • Notify your APR and the Office of Security immediately if any property has been lost, stolen, or damaged, so the incident can be investigated;
  • Notify your APR if any property has a missing decal (property barcode decal), so that a replacement decal can be issued;
  • Collect all purchase documentation for any untagged, newly acquired property for recording in the Sunflower Asset Management System; and
  • Notify your APR of any unused or idle property so that it can be reutilized or properly excessed.

10. When leaving the DOE who do I contact and what forms do I need to fill out?
Return all property to the APR or Custodial Officer upon leaving the organization or Department and complete HQ F 3293.1, “Employee Final Separation Clearance.”

11. Is there a number to call for office furniture repairs?
There is an on-site repairman that goes to the various offices to do basic furniture repairs. If you are located at Germantown, Corporate 270, or Cloverleaf, the number is (301) 903-5504. For repairs at Forrestal and L'Enfant Plaza, please call 6-6508. When calling in a repair, please provide the national stock number that is located on the furniture. This is a white bar code label. Also provide the contact person, room number and building, phone number, and the nature of the repair.

12. What types of training are available and how do I sign up for them?
You should contact your Organizational Property Management Officer (OPMO) and they will be able to assist you.

13. What is the web site address for the Computers for Learning Program?
Schools and educational non-profit organizations can register at this web site address to participate in the program:

14. If I have questions I cannot find the answer to, who should I ask?
Send an e-mail to the MA-40 Customervoice account, MA-40Customervoice@hq.doe.gov.

15. How do I get a DOE identification badge activated for use in the Supply Stores?
To make an acquisition in the Supply Stores, the identification badge must be logged into the Supply Store system. Contact James A. Hoffman on 301-903-6492 to get the ID badge activated.

16. Can I make a transaction for office supplies without using the DOE ID badge?
For companies doing business with and located at the Department, the Supply Store contractor can order your desired supplies and charge back through the invoicing method. The invoice is sent directly to the company.


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U.S. Department of Energy | 1000 Independence Ave., SW | Washington, DC 20585
1-800-dial-DOE | f/202-586-4403