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Office of the Chief Information Officer

Resource Management and Planning

The mission of the Office of Resource Management and Planning is to provide the leadership and centralized management and direction for the Office of Management’s planning, budgeting, training, financial, human resources, and program execution processes, and to ensure that these processes are effective, and fully integrated and consistent with the Department-wide processes and requirements.

The Director is responsible for providing financial and administrative assistance to the Director of Management, including the preparation and execution of the MA and Office of the Secretary (OSE) budget; funds control and accounting activities; logistics support; and all human resources support activities including employee development and training; executive succession and affirmative action/diversity.


  • Provides for a comprehensive, performance-based MA-wide planning, budgeting and program execution process that is integrated and consistent with the Department’s planning processes and requirements.
  • Provides a focused effort to assure a coherent, comprehensive and consistent approach to the development and implementation of strategic plans.
  • Provides personnel management services including the development of organization and staffing plans, manpower controls, and management analyses in support of MA operations and provides for the implementation of Departmental policies for personnel-related activities such as affirmative action, executive succession, employee development and training.
  • Provides centralized administrative guidance and support for areas such as travel and correspondence.  Manages the design, development, implementation and operation of management support systems.  Develops workflow management procedures and administrative policies and procedures for the organization.
  • Develops, maintains and administers a comprehensive MA human resource management program which is founded on a high quality training and qualification program.
  • Provides the Director of MA with financial and administrative assistance in budget preparation and execution, funds control and accounting, management studies and management support services.
  • Provides personnel management support, including interface with Department of Energy’s Office of Human Capital Management on staffing, classification and personnel security.  Prepares organization and staffing plans; conducts manpower surveys; maintains manpower ceiling controls; and develops management analyzes, plans, reports and statistics in support of MA operations.  Implements Departmental policies for personnel related activities and provides expertise and support to the Director and other Offices on personnel issues.
  • Provides for records management support in accordance with Departmental Orders, the Federal Records Act, the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act.
  • Supports long- and short-range resource forecasting, financial analysis and management, management of contractual arrangements and agreements, program review, and performance auditing.
  • Conducts programs and activities in support of equal employment opportunities, career development, 8(a) and small business opportunities.
  • Defines and develops internal MA professional development policy and guidance.  Manages a comprehensive program that ensures all MA training needs are identified and satisfied.
  • Develops, justifies and defends the Office of Management budget and the Office of the Secretary budget.  Prepares the budget and provides support to the Director during internal DOE review, Office of Management and Budget hearings on budget requests, and Congressional appropriation and authorization committee hearings, including preparation of testimony for the Director.  Prepares and coordinates responses to Congressional questions regarding the Office of Management budget and coordinates MA review of questions assigned to other Programs.
  • Manages and coordinates the execution of the MA and OSE budgets, establishing and maintaining the systems for financial controls and accountability, and preparing documents for reprogramming, rescissions and supplemental requests.  Provides support for the development of organizational work plans and develops and analyzes budget projections. 
  • Develops, implements, and maintains effective financial processes and procedures to achieve quality performance, efficient operations and reliable internal controls to support the Office of Management mission.  Supports implementation of the Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity Act (FMFIA) through reviews of MA programs and administrative functions for potential waste, fraud and abuse.
  • Manage and coordinate all correspondence for the Office of Management.
  • Administers the preparation and communication of the Office of Management Strategic, multi-year and annual program execution plans in a manner that facilitates the consistent, risk-based identification of needed MA activities and ensures that such activities receive appropriate management support and attention.


Link: The White House Link: USA.gov Link: E-gov Link: Information Quality (IQ) Link: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Link: Privacy Program
U.S. Department of Energy | 1000 Independence Ave., SW | Washington, DC 20585
1-800-dial-DOE | f/202-586-4403