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Office of the Chief Information Officer

HQ Forms

HQ Forms are developed or managed by a Headquarters organization, and approved by the DOE Forms Manager. These forms are generally for use by Headquarters or used only within one Heaquarters element.

DOE HQ F 331.1
(pdf)fillable form image
Delegation of Awards Approval
(pdf)fillable form image Records Transfer
DOE HQ F 1324.12
Records Holding Area, Request for Services-Document Receipt
DOE HQ F 1400.12
Parking Permit Application
DOE HQ F 1400.18(pdf)fillable form image Property Transfer or Turn-In
DOE HQ F 1400.20
Retirement Work Order
DOE HQ F 1400.23
Refinders Application
DOE HQ F 1410.2
Receipt for Controlled Mail Parcel Service
DOE HQ F 1410.4
Mail Time Survey Form
DOE HQ F 1410.8
Notification of Incoming Mail
DOE HQ F 1420.7(pdf)fillable form image Print Requisition
DOE HQ F 1450.2
Employee Locator Information
DOE HQ F 1500.5
Office of Headquarters Accounting Operations Travel Authorization and Program Manager Signature
DOE HQ F 1511.1
Shuttle Bus Passenger List
DOE HQ F 3293.1
Employee Final Separation Clearance
DOE HQ F 3305.7
Notification of Senior Executive Services Employment Consideration
DOE HQ F 3335.1
Request for Merit Promotion Consideration
DOE HQ F 3780.2
Subsidy for Energy Employees' Transit Application
DOE HQ F 3790.7
Notice of Unsafe or Unhealthful Working Conditions
DOE HQ F 3790.8
Report of Safety or Health Hazard
DOE HQ F 4420.1
Certificate of Property Receipt
DOE HQ F 5631.2(pdf)fillable form image Headquarters Clearance Request and Notification


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U.S. Department of Energy | 1000 Independence Ave., SW | Washington, DC 20585
1-800-dial-DOE | f/202-586-4403