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Law School Admission Council

Financial Aid for Law School


Considering law school but concerned about paying for it? This site can be a starting point for your further research into identifying primary sources of aid, learning the basic facts about eligibility, and finding out where to get more information.

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Money for law school is available, in the form of scholarships, grants, work-study, and loans. Law students finance most of their education through loans, either from the federal government or private sources—often both. The amount of aid you receive and the form it takes is largely determined by the law schools; therefore, the law schools to which you are applying should be your primary source of information. This site can give you answers to some basic questions you may be asking yourself: What does the process of securing financial aid involve? How is eligibility for financial aid determined? What goes into a financial aid package? What can I do ahead of time to improve my chances of getting financial aid?

Changes in financial aid rules and regulations are ongoing. Law school policies vary. Therefore, it is your responsibility to stay current and to educate yourself about financial aid in much the same way that you research law schools when deciding where to apply.

Financial Aid Questions You Should Ask  PDF Icon