Title 48--Federal Acquisition Regulations System



TEXT PDF45.000 Scope of part.
TEXT PDF45.101 Definitions.
TEXT PDF45.102 Policy.
TEXT PDF45.103 Responsibility and liability for Government property.
TEXT PDF45.104 Review and correction of contractors' property control systems.
TEXT PDF45.105 Records of Government property.
TEXT PDF45.106 Government property clauses.
TEXT PDF45.201 General.
TEXT PDF45.202 Evaluation procedures.
TEXT PDF45.202-1 Rental equivalents.
TEXT PDF45.202-2 Rent.
TEXT PDF45.202-3 Other costs and savings.
TEXT PDF45.203 Postaward utilization requests.
TEXT PDF45.204 Residual value of special tooling and special test equipment.
TEXT PDF45.205 Solicitation requirements.
TEXT PDF45.300 Scope of subpart.
TEXT PDF45.301 Definitions.
TEXT PDF45.302 Providing facilities.
TEXT PDF45.302-1 Policy.
TEXT PDF45.302-2 Facilities contracts.
TEXT PDF45.302-3 Other contracts.
TEXT PDF45.302-4 Contractor use of Government-owned and -operated test facilities.
TEXT PDF45.302-5 Standby or layaway requirements.
TEXT PDF45.302-6 Required Government property clauses for facilities contracts.
TEXT PDF45.302-7 Optional property-related clauses for facilities contracts.
TEXT PDF45.303 Providing material.
TEXT PDF45.303-1 Policy.
TEXT PDF45.303-2 Procedures.
TEXT PDF45.304 Providing motor vehicles.
TEXT PDF45.306 Providing special tooling.
TEXT PDF45.306-1 Providing existing special tooling.
TEXT PDF45.306-2 Special tooling under cost-reimbursement contracts.
TEXT PDF45.306-3 Special tooling under fixed-price contracts.
TEXT PDF45.306-5 Contract clause.
TEXT PDF45.307 Providing special test equipment.
TEXT PDF45.307-1 General.
TEXT PDF45.307-2 Acquiring special test equipment.
TEXT PDF45.307-3 Contract clause.
TEXT PDF45.308 Providing Government production and research property ``as is.''
TEXT PDF45.308-1 General.
TEXT PDF45.308-2 Contract clause.
TEXT PDF45.309 Providing Government production and research property under special restrictions.
TEXT PDF45.310 Providing agency-peculiar property.
TEXT PDF45.311 Providing Government property by transfer.
TEXT PDF45.400 Scope of subpart.
TEXT PDF45.401 Policy.
TEXT PDF45.402 Authorizing use of Government production and research property.
TEXT PDF45.403 Rental--Use and Charges clause.
TEXT PDF45.404 Rent-free use.
TEXT PDF45.405 Contracts with foreign governments or international organizations.
TEXT PDF45.406 Use of Government production and research property on independent research and development programs.
TEXT PDF45.407 Non-Government use of plant equipment.
TEXT PDF45.500 Scope of subpart.
TEXT PDF45.501 Definitions.
TEXT PDF45.502 Contractor responsibility.
TEXT PDF45.502-1 Receipts for Government property.
TEXT PDF45.502-2 Discrepancies incident to shipment.
TEXT PDF45.503 Relief from responsibility.
TEXT PDF45.504 Contractor's liability.
TEXT PDF45.505 Records and reports of Government property.
TEXT PDF45.505-1 Basic information.
TEXT PDF45.505-2 Records of pricing information.
TEXT PDF45.505-3 Records of material.
TEXT PDF45.505-4 Records of special tooling and special test equipment.
TEXT PDF45.505-5 Records of plant equipment.
TEXT PDF45.505-6 Special reports of plant equipment.
TEXT PDF45.505-7 Records of real property.
TEXT PDF45.505-8 Records of scrap or salvage.
TEXT PDF45.505-9 Records of related data and information.
TEXT PDF45.505-10 Records of completed products.
TEXT PDF45.505-11 Records of transportation and installation costs of plant equipment.
TEXT PDF45.505-12 Records of misdirected shipments.
TEXT PDF45.505-13 Records of property returned for rework.
TEXT PDF45.505-14 Reports of Government property.
TEXT PDF45.506 Identification.
TEXT PDF45.507 Segregation of Government property.
TEXT PDF45.508 Physical inventories.
TEXT PDF45.508-1 Inventories upon termination or completion.
TEXT PDF45.508-2 Reporting results of inventories.
TEXT PDF45.508-3 Quantitative and monetary control.
TEXT PDF45.509 Care, maintenance, and use.
TEXT PDF45.509-1 Contractor's maintenance program.
TEXT PDF45.509-2 Use of Government property.
TEXT PDF45.510 Property in possession of subcontractors.
TEXT PDF45.511 Audit of property control system.
TEXT PDF45.600 Scope of subpart.
TEXT PDF45.601 Definitions.
TEXT PDF45.603 Disposal methods.
TEXT PDF45.604 Restrictions on purchase or retention of contractor inventory.
TEXT PDF45.605 Contractor-acquired property.
TEXT PDF45.605-1 Purchase or retention at cost.
TEXT PDF45.605-2 Return to suppliers.
TEXT PDF45.605-3 Cost-reimbursement contracts.
TEXT PDF45.606 Inventory schedules.
TEXT PDF45.606-1 Submission.
TEXT PDF45.606-2 Common items.
TEXT PDF45.606-3 Acceptance.
TEXT PDF45.606-4 Withdrawals.
TEXT PDF45.606-5 Instructions for preparing and submitting schedules of contractor inventory.
TEXT PDF45.607 Scrap.
TEXT PDF45.607-1 General.
TEXT PDF45.607-2 Recovering precious metals.
TEXT PDF45.608 Screening of contractor inventory.
TEXT PDF45.608-1 General.
TEXT PDF45.608-2 Standard screening.
TEXT PDF45.608-3 Agency screening.
TEXT PDF45.608-4 Limited screening.
TEXT PDF45.608-5 Special items screening.
TEXT PDF45.608-6 Waiver of screening requirements.
TEXT PDF45.608-7 Reimbursement of costs for transfer of contractor inventory.
TEXT PDF45.608-8 Report of excess personal property (SF 120).
TEXT PDF45.609 Donations.
TEXT PDF45.610 Sale of surplus contractor inventory.
TEXT PDF45.610-1 Responsibility.
TEXT PDF45.610-2 Exemptions from sale by GSA.
TEXT PDF45.610-3 Proceeds of sale.
TEXT PDF45.610-4 Contractor inventory in foreign countries.
TEXT PDF45.611 Destruction or abandonment.
TEXT PDF45.612 Removal and storage.
TEXT PDF45.612-1 General.
TEXT PDF45.612-2 Special storage at the contractor's risk.
TEXT PDF45.612-3 Special storage at the Government's expense.
TEXT PDF45.613 Property disposal determinations.
TEXT PDF45.614 Subcontractor inventory.
TEXT PDF45.615 Accounting for contractor inventory.

