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Culture Requirements

Chromosome Flow Sorting Core
Specimen Handling and Shipping (revised November 2008)

From the NIH:
Review NIH guidelines for packing and shipping at:

  1. Notify our Lab of your intent to ship specimens. Give our staff the pick-up location, building number and room number, your phone number and the name of a contact person who will be in the pick-up room when the courier arrives. Couriers need 24 hours advance notice for pick-ups. Contact Gary 301-846-5229 to arrange for pick-up of samples.

  2. Samples must be packed in a leak-proof container. No vented cap flasks will be sent via courier. Samples should be packaged so that extensive centrifugation is not required upon receipt to retrieve samples. Suspension cultures should be placed in a 10 ml or a 50 ml conical centrifuge tube. Specimens should not be split (subcultured) or manipulated 24 hrs prior to pick-up by the courier. Submitted flasks should be sealed with parafilm. Please also give attention to the amount of media with in the flask you are shipping to avoid culture distress.

  3. Package your samples in an appropriate container. If your sample must arrive cold include a cool pack or dry ice. (Do not use wet ice. On occasion water from melted ice has leaked out of a shipping container causing problems for the mailroom staff). Pack with absorbent pads. Please include specimen identifiers with the container. The lid of the container must be secured with tape and labeled with both our address and phone number as well as your address and phone number. Mark the container "Diagnostic Specimen". Your phone number and a contact person are very important. Couriers sometimes have difficulty accessing the NIH buildings due to the increased security. They may need to call you to let them into the building.

  4. Have your package ready by 11:00 AM.

  5. The courier will not accept samples that are not properly packaged.

  6. Our Address:

Diagnostic Specimen
Building 560, Room 11-74A
Frederick, MD 21702-1201
Phone: 301-846-5229
Fax: 301-446-6315