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Office of the Chief Information Officer


945.000 Scope of part
Subpart 945.1 General

945.101 Definitions

945.102-70 Reporting of contractor held property

945.102-71 Maintenance of records

Subpart 945.3 Providing government property to contractors

945.303-1 Policy

Subpart 945.4 Contractor Use and Rental of Government Property

945.407 Non-Government use of plant equipment.

Subpart 945.5 Management of Government Property in the Possession of Contractors

945.505-11 Records of transportation and installation costs of plant equipment.

945.506 Identification.

945.570-2 Acquisition of motor vehicles

945.570-7 Disposition of motor vehicles

945.570-8 Reporting motor vehicle data

Subpart 945.6 Reporting, Redistribution, and Disposal of Contractor Inventory

945.601 Definitions

945.603 Disposal methods

945.603-70 Plant clearance function

945.607-71 Disposal of radioactively contaminated personal property

945.607-2 Recovering precious metals

945.608-2 Standard screening

945.608-3 Agency screening

945.608-4 Limited screening

945.608-5 Special items screening

945.608-6 Waiver of screening requirements

945.610-4 Contractor inventory in foreign countries.

Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7254; 40 U.S.C. 486(c).

Source: 49 FR 12032, Mar. 28, 1984, unless otherwise noted.

945.000 Scope of part.

This part and FAR Part 45 are not applicable to the management of property by operating and management contractors. In addition, the policies and procedures contained in FAR Part 45 governing the management, control, reporting, and disposal of special test equipment and special tooling are not followed by the DOE.

Subpart 945.1.General

945.101 Definitions.

Personal property, as used in this part, means property of any kind or interest therein, except real property; records of the Federal Government; and nuclear and special source materials, atomic weapons, and by-product materials.

Capital equipment, as used in this part, means personal property items having a unit acquisition cost of $5,000 or more and an anticipated service life in excess of two years, regardless of type of funding, and having the potential for maintaining their integrity as capital items; i.e., not expendable due to use.

[54 FR 27647, June 30, 1989]

945.102-70 Reporting of contractor-held property.

Within 30 days after the end of each fiscal year, the Head of the Contracting Activity shall report the following information to the Office of Property Management, within the Headquarters procurement organization:

(a) Name and address of each contractor with DOE property in their possession, or in the possession of their subcontractors (do not include grantees, cooperative agreements, interagency agreements, or agreements with state or local governments).

(b) Contract number of each DOE contract with Government property.

(c) Date contractor's property management system was approved and by whom (DOE office, Defense Contract Management Command, or the Office of Naval Research).

(d) Date of most current appraisal of contractor's property management system, who conducted the appraisal, and status of the system (satisfactory or unsatisfactory).

(e) Total dollar value of DOE property as reported on last semiannual asset report (including date of report), for each DOE contract administered by the contracting activity.

945.102-71 Maintenance of records.

The contracting activity shall maintain records of approvals and reviews of contractors' property management systems, the dollar value of DOE property as reported on the most recent semiannual financial report, and records on property administration delegations to other Government agencies.

Subpart 945.3.Providing Government Property to Contractors

945.303-1 Policy.

The DOE has established specific policies concerning special nuclear material requirements needed under DOE contracts for fabricating end items using special nuclear material, and for conversion or scrap recovery of special nuclear material. Special nuclear material means uranium enriched in the isotopes U233 or U235, and/or plutonium, other than PU238. The policies to be followed are:

(a) Special nuclear material will be furnished by the DOE for fixed-price contracts and subcontracts, at any tier, which call for the production of special nuclear products, including fabrication and conversion, for Government use. (The contractor or subcontractor must have the appropriate license or licenses to receive the special nuclear material. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is the licensing agency.)

(b) Contracts and subcontracts for fabrication of end items using special nuclear material generally shall be of the fixed-price type. Cost-type contracts or subcontracts for fabrication shall be used only with the approval of the Head of the Contracting Activity. This approval authority shall not be further delegated.

(c) Contracts and subcontracts for conversion or scrap recovery of special nuclear material shall be of a fixed-price type, except as otherwise approved by the Head of the Contracting Activity.

Subpart 945.4.Contractor Use and Rental of Government Property

945.407 Non-Government use of plant equipment.

The type of plant equipment and dollar threshold for non-Government use of DOE plant equipment will be determined by the Head of the Contracting Activity which awarded the contract. Approval of the Head of the Contracting Activity is required to authorize non-Government use exceeding 25% of operational use.

Subpart 945.5.Management of Government Property in the Possession of Contractors

945.505-11 Records of transportation and installation costs of plant equipment.

The requirements of FAR 45.505-11 apply to plant equipment having a unit cost of $1,000 or more.

945.506 Identification.

The requirements of FAR 45.506 apply to Government property having a unit cost of $1,000 or more.

945.570-2 Acquisition of motor vehicles.

(a) The GSA Interagency Fleet Management System (GSA-IFMS) is the first source of supply for providing motor vehicles to contractors; however ,contracting officer approval is required for contractors to utilize this service.

(b) Prior approval of GSA must be obtained before.

(1) Fixed-price contractors can use the GSA-IFMS;

(2) DOE-owned motor vehicles can be furnished to any contractor in an area served by a GSA-IFMS; and

(3) A contractor can commercially lease a motor vehicle for more than 60 days.

(c) GSA has the responsibility for acquisition of motor vehicles for Government agencies. All requisitions (GSA Form 1781) shall be processed in accordance with 41 CFR 101-26.501.

(d) Contractors shall submit all motor vehicle requirements to the contracting officer for approval.

(e) The acquisition of sedans and station wagons is limited to small, subcompact, and compact vehicles which meet Government fuel economy standards. The acquisition of light trucks is limited to those vehicles which meet the current fuel economy standards set by Executive Orders 12003 and 12375.

(f) Cost reimbursement contractors may be authorized by the contracting officer to utilize GSA Federal Supply Schedule 751, Motor Vehicle Rental, for short term rentals not to exceed 60 days, and are required to utilize available GSA consolidated leasing programs for long term (60 continuous days or longer) commercial leasing of passenger vehicles and light trucks.

(g) The Office of Property Management, within the Headquarters procurement organization shall certify all requisitions prior to submittal to GSA for the following:

(1) The acquisition of sedans and station wagons.

(2) The lease (60 continuous days or longer) of any passenger automobile.

(3) The acquisition or lease (60 continuous days or longer) of light trucks less than 8,500 GVWR.

(h) Purchase requisitions for other motor vehicles may be submitted directly to GSA when approved by the contracting officer.

(i) Contractors shall thoroughly examine motor vehicles acquired under a GSA contract for defects. Any defect shall be reported promptly to GSA, and repairs shall be made under terms of the warranty.

945.570-7 Disposition of motor vehicles.

(a) The contractor shall dispose of DOE-owned motor vehicles as directed by the contracting officer.

(b) DOE-owned motor vehicles may be disposed of as exchange/sale items when directed by the contracting officer; however, a designated DOE official must execute the Title Transfer forms.

945.570-8 Reporting motor vehicle data.

(a) Contractors conducting motor vehicle operations shall forward annually (on or before December 1) to the contracting officer their plan for acquisition of motor vehicles for the next fiscal year for review, approval and submittal to DOE Headquarters. This plan shall conform to the fuel efficiency standards for motor vehicles for the applicable fiscal year, as established by Executive Orders 12003 and 12375 and as implemented by GSA and current DOE directives.

Additional guidance for the preparation of the plan will be issued by the contracting officer, as required.

(b) Contractors operating DOE-owned and/or commercially leased (for 60 continuous days or longer) motor vehicles shall prepare and submit the following annual year-end reports to the contracting officer:

(1) DOE Report of Motor Vehicle Data (passenger vehicles).

(2) DOE Report of Truck Data.

[49 FR 12032, Mar. 28, 1984; 49 FR 38951, Oct. 2, 1984]

Subpart 945.6.Reporting, Redistribution, and Disposal of Contractor Inventory

945.601 Definitions.

Personal property (See 945.101).

945.603 Disposal methods.

945.603-70 Plant clearance function.

If the plant clearance function has not been formally delegated to another Federal agency, the contracting officer shall assume all responsibilities of the plant clearance officer identified in FAR Subpart 45.6.

945.603-71 Disposal of radioactively contaminated personal property.

Special procedures regarding the disposal of radioactively contaminated property may be found at 41 CFR 109-45.50.

945.607-2 Recovering precious metals.

(b) Contractors generating contractor inventory containing precious metals shall identify and promptly report such items to the contracting officer for review, approval and reporting to the DOE precious metals pool. This includes all precious metals in any form, including shapes, scrap or radioactively contaminated, except for silver. Only high grade nonradioactively contaminated silver should be reported to the precious metals pool. The Oak Ridge Operations Office is responsible for maintaining the DOE pool. Precious metals scrap will be reported to the DOE precious metals pool, operated by Martin Marietta Energy

Systems, P.O. Box 2009, M.S. 8207, Oak Ridge, TN. 37831.

[54 FR 27648, June 30, 1989]

945.608-2 Standard screening.

(b)(1) Prior to reporting excess property to GSA, all reportable property, as identified in Federal Property Management Regulations 41 CFR 101-43.4801, shall be reported to the contracting office. The contracting office shall transmit this information via terminal processing or hard copy to DOE Headquarters for centralized screening in the DOE Reportable Excess Automated Property System (REAPS). Agency screening will begin when the item is first included in the REAPS monthly catalog and will end upon the issuance of the following monthly catalog.

(i) REAPS requires the inclusion of a five character address code which identifies the reporting contractor. The address code will be assigned by DOE Headquarters upon receipt of a completed Address Notification form for the contractor or DOE office reporting the property as excess.

(ii) Excess screening documents and Address Notification forms shall be submitted to the Office of Contractor Management and Administration, within the Headquarters procurement organization.

[49 FR 12032, Mar. 28, 1984; 49 FR 38951, Oct. 2, 1984; 62 FR 2310, Jan. 16, 1997]

945.608-3 Agency screening.

Items shall be reported to the contracting office and should be screened informally within the contracting office's complex of contractors and with other known users of the property at other DOE locations.

945.608-4 Limited screening.

(a) Prior to reporting to GSA, all nonreportable property, excluding scrap and salvage, shall be reported to the contracting office for a 15 day informal screening within the contracting office's complex of contractors and other appropriate DOE field locations.

945.608-5 Special items screening.

Prior to reporting to GSA, that property in FAR 45.608-5 (a), (b), and (d) shall be reported and screened within DOE in accordance with 945.608-2 and 945.608-3.

(c) Printing equipment. All printing equipment excess to requirements shall be reported to the Office of Administrative Services, Headquarters.

945.608-6 Waiver of screening requirements.

(a) The Director of the Office of Property Management, within the Headquarters procurement organization is the designee who may authorize exceptions from screening requirements in accordance with the provisions of FAR 45.608-6.

(b) A request to the Director of the Office of Property Management, within the Headquarters procurement organization for the waiver of screening requirements must be submitted by the HCA with a justification setting forth the compelling circumstances warranting the exception.

[54 FR 27648, June 30, 1989]

945.610-4 Contractor inventory in foreign countries.

Contractor inventory located in foreign countries will be utilized and disposed of in accordance with

DOE-PMR 41 CFR 109-43.5, and 45.51.

[49 FR 12032, Mar. 28, 1984; 49 FR 38951, Oct. 2, 1984]



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