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Subpart 925.1 Buy American Act Supplies
925.102 Policy.
925.105 Evaluating offers.
925.108 Excepted articles, materials, and supplies.

Subpart 925.2 Buy American Act Construction Materials
925.202 Policy.
925.202 Violations

Subpart 925.7 Restrictions on Certain Foreign Purchases
925.702 Restrictions.

Subpart 925.9 Additional Foreign Acquisition Clause
925.901 Omission of the Audit Clause

Subpart 925.70 Acquisition of Nuclear Hot Cell Services.
925.7000 Scope of subpart
925.7001 Definitions.
925.7002 Policy.
925.7003 Requirements.
925.7004 Contract clause.

Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7254; 40 U.S.C. 486(c).

Source: 49 FR 12003, Mar. 28, 1984, unless otherwise noted;
[62 FR 2310, Jan. 16, 1997]

Subpart 925.1.Buy American Act.Supplies

925.102 Policy

(b) Contracting officers may make the determination required by FAR 25.102(a), provided such determination is factually supported in writing. If the contract is estimated to exceed $1 million, the Head of the Contracting Activity shall approve the determination.

[49 FR 12003, Mar. 28, 1984; 49 FR 38951, Oct. 2, 1984]

925.105 Evaluating offers.

(c) Proposed awards shall be submitted (in triplicate) through the Procurement Executive, to the Head of the Agency for decisions required by FAR 25.105(c).

925.108 Excepted articles, materials, and supplies.

(b) Suggestions for changes and additions to the FAR 25.108(d)(1) list, with appropriate justifications, shall be submitted to the Procurement Executive.

Subpart 925.2.Buy American Act.Construction Materials

925.202 Policy.

(b) Contracting officers may make the determination required by FAR 25.202(a)(3). If the cost of the materials is expected to exceed $100,000, the Head of the Contracting Activity shall approve the determination.

925.204 Violations.

Contracting officers shall make a complete written report (in triplicate) to the Secretary through the Procurement Executive of each violation of the Buy American Act.Construction Materials clause at 52.225-5.

Subpart 925.7.Restrictions on certain foreign purchases

925.702 Restrictions.

No contract may be awarded to a company owned by an entity controlled by a foreign government if performance of the contract will require access to proscribed information. See 904.71 for additional guidance.

[59 FR 6221, Feb. 10, 1994]

Subpart 925.9.Additional Foreign Acquisition Clauses

925.901 Omission of the Audit Clause

(c) Conditions for omission.
Any proposed determinations and any reports mentioned at (FAR) 48 CFR 25.901 shall be forwarded to the Director, Office of Contract Management, within the Headquarters procurement organization.

[59 FR 9102, Feb 25, 1994; 61 FR 21975, May 13, 1996]

Subpart 925.70.Acquisition of Nuclear Hot Cell Services

925.7000 Scope of subpart.

This subpart prescribes policies for selection for contract award of nuclear hot cell services when one of the competitors is a foreign company . This subpart does not apply to the acquisition and use of nuclear hot cell facilities on-site at a DOE-owned or -leased facility.

925.7001 Definitions.

Costs related to the decommissioning of nuclear facilities, as used in this subpart, means any cost associated with the compliance with regulatory requirements governing the decommissioning of nuclear facilities licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Such costs for foreign facilities and for Department of Energy facilities are costs of decommissioning associated with the compliance with foreign regulatory requirements or the Department's own requirements.

Costs related to the storage and disposal of nuclear waste, as used in this subpart, means any costs, whether required by regulation or incurred as a matter of prudent business practice, associated with the storage or disposal of nuclear waste.

Foreign company, as used in this subpart, means a company which offers to perform nuclear hot cell services at a facility which is not subject to the laws and regulations of the United States, its agencies, and its political subdivisions.

Nuclear hot cell services, as used in this subpart, means services related to the examination of, or performance of various operations on, nuclear fuel rods, control assemblies, or other components that are emitting large quantities of ionizing radiation, after discharge from nuclear reactors, which are performed in specialized facilities located away from commercial nuclear power plants, generally referred to in the industry as "hot cells."

Nuclear waste, as used in this subpart, means any radioactive waste material subject to regulation by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission or the Department of Energy, or in the case of foreign offers, by comparable foreign organizations.

United States company, as used in this subpart, means a company which offers to perform nuclear hot cell services at a facility subject to the laws and regulations of the United States, its agencies, and its political subdivisions.

925.7002 Policy.

In selecting offer(s) for award of contracts for nuclear hot cell services, costs related to the decommissioning of nuclear facilities and storage and disposal of nuclear waste are to be considered in a way which affords United States and foreign companies an equal competition in accordance with 925.7003. Upon determining that no offer from a foreign firm has a reasonable chance of being selected for award, the requirements of this subpart will not apply.

925.7003 Requirements.

(a) For the acquisition of nuclear hot cell services under the conditions in paragraph (b) below, the selection official in evaluating competitive offers for selection purposes only shall:

(1) consider neither costs related to the decommissioning of nuclear waste facilities nor costs related to the storage and disposal of nuclear waste, or

(2) add these costs to offers of foreign companies.
(b) The requirements of this section apply under the following circumstances:

(1) One or more of the offers is submitted by a United States company and includes costs related to the decommissioning of nuclear facilities and costs related to the storage and disposal of nuclear waste because it is subject to such costs; and

(2) One or more of the offers is submitted by a foreign company and does not include these types of costs. (A foreign company might not be subject to such costs or might not have to include these types of costs in its offer if the firm is subsidized in decommissioning activity or storage and disposal of nuclear waste, or a foreign government is performing the activities below the actual cost of the activity.)

925.7004 Contract clause.

The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 952.225-70, Subcontracting for Nuclear Hot Cell Services, in solicitations and contracts involving nuclear hot cell services. This clause does not flow down to second-tier subcontracts.

[58 FR 8909, Feb. 18, 1993]



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