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U.S. Department of Energy’s Competition of the Contract to Manage and Operate the National Renewable Energy Laboratory
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U.S. Department of Energy’s Competition of the Contract to Manage and Operate the National Renewable Energy Laboratory

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced that it will compete the management and operating (M&O) contract for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).

Proposal / Site Tour

November 16, 2007

TO: All Interested Parties


The Department of Energy (DOE) announces the release of the draft Request for Proposals (RFP) for the selection of a Management and Operating prime contractor to lead the nation’s premier renewable energy and energy efficiency research, development, demonstration, and deployment institution, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).  DOE is seeking your comments on the draft RFP.  DOE will consider each comment carefully and responses to relevant comments will be posted on IIPS.  An interested party may request that DOE provide a private response to any question.  If DOE determines providing a private response is unwarranted, DOE will notify the interested party to that effect and will provide the interested party the opportunity to resubmit the question for public response.  In the event duplicate questions or comments are received, DOE may provide a single response in-lieu-of providing separate responses at its discretion.  All comments must be addressed to Steven L. Scott, Contracting Officer, and submitted through the Industry Interactive Procurement System (IIPS) at no later than 5 p.m. Mountain Time (MT) on December 4, 2007.

DOE will conduct a tour of the NREL site and will provide potential Offerors the opportunity to meet with DOE privately in order to enhance understanding of this RFP on November 29 and 30, 2007, respectively.  Both the tour and the private meetings will be staged at the Denver West Marriott, 1717 Denver West Boulevard, Golden, Colorado, 80402.  

The site tour will provide potential Offerors an overview of NREL’s operations, infrastructure, and current and planned capital projects.  DOE will provide a presentation addressing these matters starting at 8 a.m.  The tour bus will leave the Marriott no later than 9 a.m. returning at approximately 1 p.m.  DOE will answer any remaining site related questions at the Marriott immediately after the tour.

The private meetings will provide a potential Offeror an opportunity to introduce itself to DOE, to provide DOE with perspectives or recommendations on the RFP and related matters, and to improve its understanding of the RFP.  If requested by the potential Offeror, DOE’s will provide its initial observations of the potential Offeror’s capabilities to successfully achieve the statement-of-work.  Potential Offerors are cautioned that DOE may use information gained from these meetings to enhance this RFP, provided that such information is not identified as proprietary or confidential.  It is the responsibility of potential Offerors to identify proprietary or confidential information to DOE at the start of the private meeting.  DOE will not discuss the RFP evaluation criteria to be used in the selection of the awardee in these meetings.  These meetings are strictly voluntary at the discretion of potential Offerors.  Meetings will last no longer than one hour and will be scheduled consecutively starting at 8 a.m. on November 30, 2007.
Any potential Offeror that elects to have a private meeting with DOE is requested to provide an overview of its capabilities to perform the RFP statement-of-work no later than 12 p.m. MT November 28, 2007.  This overview should not exceed 5 pages.

Potential Offerors are limited to two persons for the tour and voluntary private meetings and must register separately for each activity no later than 12 p.m. MT November 28th, 2007.  Potential Offerors may send different individuals to these activities, but must provide the names of these individuals in advance.  Potential Offerors must provide the name, birthday, and country of birth for all persons taking the tour.  These persons must be citizens of the United States and must present government-issued photo identification to that effect at registration on the day of the tour.  Persons that have not been identified in advance, missing requested personal information, or that cannot provide such official identification will be excluded from the tour.  DOE will not reimburse potential Offerors for any costs associated with the site tour or voluntary meetings.  Please notify DOE if any person participating in the tour or private meeting requires special accommodations.  No audio or video recording of any kind will be allowed during these activities.

Companies not interested in becoming a prime contractor at NREL but interested in a subcontract role may find useful networking information on the Competition website

The draft RFP can be viewed in its entirety at

Please contact Eileen Jemison at 303-928-8520 to register for the tour and/or one-on-one meeting with DOE.

The information below was provided at the Site Tour

Most documents are available in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF) and Microsoft Word. Download Acrobat Reader. Download Microsoft Word Viewer.


Last Update Download
Site Tour 11/28/2007 (PDF 2 MB)
FY 2008 Leased Facilities Site Tour 11/28/2007 (MS Word 244 KB)
FY 2008 National Wind Technology Center Site Tour 11/28/2007 (MS Word 3 MB)
FY 2008 South Table Mesa Site Tour 11/28/2007 (MS Word 3 MB)


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U.S. Department of Energy