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FY 2006 Annual Performance Plan

Developed in accordance with the Government Performance and Results Act, this plan outlines key measures and targets for assessing agency performance in accomplishing our mission of marketing and delivering Federal hydropower. The measures and targets are based on national, Federal and regional operating criteria and industry standards for power system reliability and safety. By developing and identifying program performance measures and targets, agency management is able to closely monitor and assess program performance, take action to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of activities and produce desired results. Through these measures and targets, Western, in turn, contributes to the Department of Energy’s goal of fostering a diverse supply of reliable, affordable and environmentally sound energy.

Power System Reliability: With more than 17,000 miles of high-voltage transmission lines spanning most of the western half of the United States, Western markets approximately 40 billion kilowatt-hours of Federal hydropower annually to 680 utility customers. This hydroelectric resource is an important component of our customers’ energy mix as they rely on this power for residential, commercial, agricultural and municipal uses. Uninterrupted delivery of power is a key result for Western.

Performance Measure: North American Electric Reliability Council CPS1 and 2 ratings.
These control area performance standards measure power system error frequency, or Western’s ability to match generation to load and magnitude of unscheduled power flows.

FY 2006 Target: Meet or exceed NERC standards for control areas.

  • CPS1- Statistical measure of area control error variability and its relationship to frequency error. The minimum level of compliance is 100 percent and the maximum is 200 percent.

CPS1 Performance History: Western average compared to industry average with FY 06 target greater than or equal to 100%. FY00, 199% to 174%; FY01, 187% to 169%; FY02, 186% to 173%; FY03, 186% to 169%; Fy04, 184% to 165%; FY05, 184% to 161%.


  • CPS2 - Statistical measure designed to limit unacceptably large unscheduled power flows. The minimum level of compliance is 90 percent and the maximum is 100 percent.

CPS2 Performance History: Western average compared to industry average with FY 06 target greater than or equal to 100%. FY00, 98% to 96%; FY01, 98% to 96%; FY02, 98% to 96%; FY03, 98% to 96%; Fy04, 98% to 97%; FY05, 98% to 96%.


Performance Measure: Accountable transmission system outages.
This measure quantifies the efficiency of Western’s efforts to reduce/eliminate avoidable outages (those caused by human error through improper or incorrect equipment operation, installation or maintenance).

FY 2006 Target: Total FY 2006 outages will be at least 10 percent below the average number of outages for the past 3 years—16 or fewer accountable outages.

Outage Performance History: Western average compared to Actual with FY 06 target greater than or equal to 16. FY00, 34 to 30; FY01, 27 to 31; FY02, 26 to 17; FY03, 21 to 13; Fy04, 16 to 21; FY05, 15 to 21.


Performance Measure: Ratio of unanticipated repair work hours to total maintenance hours.
Although some emergency work is weather related and beyond Western’s control, unanticipated repair work related to equipment failure is always undesirable and something to be minimized by keeping equipment in good repair.

FY 2006 Target: The ratio of unanticipated repair work hours to total maintenance hours for FY 2006 will be maintained at 16 percent or less.

Repair Work Hours Performance History: Western average compared to Actual with FY 06 target greater than or equal to 16. FY00, 16 to 20; FY01, 16 to 18.2; FY02, 16 to 15; FY03, 16 to 7.3; Fy04, 16 to 7.0; FY05, 16 to 7.1.


Safety: Ensure all Western employees are aware of and committed to creating a safe work environment.

Performance Measure: Recordable Accident Frequency Rate.
The recordable accident frequency rate is calculated by multiplying recordable injuries times 200,000 hours (common base of 100 full-time workers), then dividing the product by the total hours worked.

FY 2005 Target: Achieve a recordable accident frequency rate equal to or less than 3.3.

Accident Performance History: Western average compared to industry average with FY 06 target greater than or equal to 3.3. FY02, 3.3 to 1.9; FY01, 3.3 to 1.9; FY02, 3.3 to 1.7; FY03, 3.3 to 2.1; Fy04, 3.3 to 1.6; FY05, 3.3 to 1.6.