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OSH Regulatory and Policy Response Line
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Welcome to the DOE Worker Safety and Health Standards Response Line Web Site

The Response Line is a service that responds to questions from DOE, DOE contractor, and DOE subcontractor employees regarding applicability of worker safety and health standards and directives. Responses are classified as precedented (existing policy documentation) or unprecedented (no existing policy documentation). Precedented questions and answers provided since July 1, 1995, are online. Unprecedented responses are online from July 1, 1993.

Responses published before the publication of 10 CFR 851 "Worker Safety and Health Program" (February 6, 2006) most likely still are accurate reflections of DOE policy but should be re-affirmed by the Office of Worker Safety and Health Policy, HS-11, if needed to clarify current critical worker safety and health issues. Requestors may use the "Submit Question" link to request HS-11 re-affirmation or revision of an existing response. Responses dated after February 6, 2006 are either new or re-affirmed to be consistent with 10 CFR 851.

For further information or questions about the OSH Response Line, please contact Dan Marsick.

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This page was last updated on April 07, 2009
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