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Streetcar: A Modern Marvel

The DTV Transition
Monday, 02 March 2009



The transition to digital television (DTV) has been delayed until June 12, 2009.  All full-power stations in the Portland metropolitan area have agreed to postponeundigital television their final transition until the June 12 date.

In addition, the recently passed Recovery Package included more money to fund the converter box coupon program. This means that you have more time to make the transition to DTV and another opportunity to apply for coupons for converter boxes. Consumers who allowed their original coupons to expire now have the opportunity to reapply for converter box coupons.    

Information on the Digital TV Transition
On June 12, 2009, all television stations will terminate broadcasting analog signals. Thereafter, only digital signals will be transmitted.  The transition to digital broadcasting will provide television viewers with clearer pictures and more program choices, and will free up major portions of the airwaves for public safety communications such as police, fire and rescue, and for new broadband wireless services.

If you have an analog television set which is connected to cable or satellite, those service providers will make sure that your television set receives a viewable image after the transition.  You are ready for the DTV Transition.

If you have a digital television set, your television is also ready for the DTV Transition.

If you have an analog television set which receives signals by means of rabbit ears or an over-the-air antenna and you desire to keep this set in service, you will need to attach a small digital-to-analog converter box to your television set in order to continue receiving over-the-air television broadcasts.

For additional information about the DTV Transition and what you may need to do to prepare for it, visit the Federal Communications Commission’s website or call 1-888-225-5322.

Information on the Coupon Program
You may request up to two $40 coupons to go toward the purchase of up to two digital-to-analog converter boxes, which cost from $40 and $60 each.  Upon request, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) will mail up to two coupons and a list of local retailers in the area that sell converter boxes.

For more information about the Coupon Program and how to apply for coupons, go to the NTIA website at  or call 1-888-DTV-2009. 

Residents of licensed nursing homes, intermediate care facilities and assisted living facilities may also obtain coupons for converter boxes for their individual sets.  Go here for more information.

NOTE: Some stations in the area (Low Power/Class A/Translator) may continue to broadcast in analog after June 2009.  If you need a converter box and would like to continue to watch these channels, be sure to purchase a convertor box with “analog pass-through capability.”  To see if there are Low Power/Class A/Translator stations in your area, visit the FCC’s website  

Information for Oregon’s Third Congressional District
The federal government has prepared resources to help Oregonians determine how the television service in our area will be impacted. 

DTV Reception Maps.  Use this online mapping tool to check for the DTV signals that are available at your location (by zipcode). 

Map of Full-Power Digital Television Stations in the Portland, OR Market Area.  The maps show each station's digital TV coverage as compared to its analog TV coverage. 

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