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729 N.E. Oregon Street
Suite 115
Portland, OR 97232
t: (503) 231-2300
f: (503) 230-5413

2267 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
t: (202) 225-4811
f: (202) 225-8941


Streetcar: A Modern Marvel

Blumenauer Issues ‘Horsepower Challenge’ to Clarendon at Portsmouth Middle School in Portland

Congressman Earl Blumenauer stopped by Clarendon at Portsmouth Middle School in Portland Monday morning to challenge students to increase their physical activity. Clarendon at Portsmouth is one of five Portland-area middle schools participating in the Humana Horsepower Challenge, which is pitting Oregon’s Third Congressional District students against students in 20 other congressional districts to see which district is the most active. Students wear pedometers track their physical activity through an online video game that measures how much exercise they get in a day.




An Oregonian's Guide to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Oregonians are working hard to navigate their families through the country's economic crisis. To help, Congressman Blumenauer has put together a guide for taking advantage of provisions in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
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Congressman Blumenauer defends Greening of the Capitol initiative, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's decision to use natural gas to power the Capitol building.
Congressman Blumenauer thanks Oregon's 41st

On Saturday Oregon's 41st Infantry Brigade Combat Team, the Jungleers, gathered in Portland for a mobilization ceremony before they deploy to Iraq. More than 2,700 troops will be headed overseas, the largest deployment of the Oregon National Guard since World War Two. Congressman Earl Blumenauer was on hand to thank the troops for the service to their country. 





'The Beginning of an Urban-Transit Revolution'

 The federal funding that Congressman Earl Blumenauer secured for the east-side expansion of the Portland Streetcar will mean new jobs in Oregon and the beginning of a transportation revolution in the rest of the country, The Oregonian editorialized on May 2.

"Among the intended consequences are the jobs created or sustained in this area, from the construction work we mentioned earlier to the consultants, designers, planners, engineers and the like who have settled in at Portland firms but who travel all over to spread expertise," the editorial board wrote. "Yes, some new jobs for Portland, but for Blumenauer, the beginning of an urban-transit revolution."

Read the editorial here.