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Board Review of Directives  

  • Secretary of Energy memo on directives, September 10, 2007 [PDF]
  • DOE Orders of Interest to the Board [PDF]
  • DNFSB Review Coordination [PDF]

Status Report on Board Reviews of DOE Directives and Standards
Document # Document Title Summary
DOE O 251.1C Departmental Directives Program Directive Issued
DOE O 410.X Management of Nuclear Materials Board Staff Comments Resolved
DOE O 413.3A Chg 1 Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets Directive Issued
DOE O 420.1B Chg 1 Facility Safety Board Staff Comments Received
DOE O 425.1D Verification of Readiness to Start up or Restart Nuclear Facilities Board Staff Comments Received
DOE O 426.X Federal Technical Capability Board Staff Comments Received
DOE O 442.1B Department of Energy Employee Concerns Program Board Staff Comments Resolved
DOE O 450.1A Environmental Protection Program Directive Issued
DOE O 452.1D Nuclear Explosive and Weapon Surety Program Board Staff Comments Resolved
DOE O 452.2D Nuclear Explosive Safety Board Staff Comments Resolved
DOE O 452.6A Nuclear Weapon Surety Interface with the Department of Defense Board Staff Comments Resolved
DOE O 460.1C Packaging and Transportation Safety Board Staff Comments Resolved
DOE M 413.3-1 (Cancellation) Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets Directive Issued
DOE M 452.2-1A Nuclear Explosive Safety Manual Board Staff Comments Resolved
DOE M 452.2-2 Nuclear Explosive Safety Evaluation Processes Board Staff Comments Resolved
DOE M 460.2-1A Radioactive Material Transportation Practices Manual Directive Issued
DOE M D&P Chapter 11.7 Nuclear Explosive Operation Change Control Process, Chapter 11.7 Board Staff Comments Resolved
DOE M NA-1 SD 226.1-1 Headquarters Biennial Review of Nuclear Safety Performance Manual Directive Issued
DOE M NA-1 SD 226.1A Line Oversight and Contractor Assurance System (LOCAS) Directive Issued
DOE M NA-1 SD 426.1-1A Technical Qualification Program Plan,for Federal Personnel with Safety Responsibility at Defense Nuclear Facilities Directive Issued
DOE M NNSA SD 251.1-X National Nuclear Security Administration Directives Program Manual Board Staff Comments Received
DOE G 413.3-1 Managing Design and Construction Using Systems Engineering for Use with DOE O 413.3A Directive Issued
DOE G 413.3-11 Project Management Lessons Learned Directive Issued
DOE G 413.3-13 U.S. Department of Energy Acquisition Strategy Guide for Capital Asset Projects Directive Issued
DOE G 413.3-14 Information Technology Project Guide Directive Issued
DOE G 413.3-15 Department of Energy Guide for Project Execution Plans Directive Issued
DOE G 413.3-16 Project Transition / Closeout (CD-4) Directive Issued
DOE G 413.3-18 Integrated Project Teams Guide for Use with DOE 0 41 3.3A. Directive Issued
DOE G 413.3-2 Quality Assurance Guide for Project Management Directive Issued
DOE G 413.3-7 Risk Management Guide Directive Issued
DOE G 413.3-8 Environmental Management (EM) Cleanup Projects Directive Issued
DOE G 413.3-9 Department of Energy Project Review Guide for Capital Asset Projects Directive Issued
DOE G 421.1-X Accident Analysis Guidebook Board Staff Comments Received
DOE G 441.1-1C Radiation Protection Programs Guide for Use with Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 835, Occupational Radiation Protection Directive Issued
DOE G 441.1-XX Control and Release of Property with Residual Radioactive Material. Board Staff Comments Received
DOE G 450.4-1B Volume 1, Chapter 4 Maintaining an Approved ISMS Board Staff Comments Received
HDBK-1046-2008 Temporary Emergency Exposure Limits for Chemicals: Methods and Practice Directive Issued
HDBK-1122-2009 Radiological Control Technician Training Directive Issued
HDBK-1129-2008 Tritium Handling and Safe Storage Directive Issued
HDBK-1130-2008 Appendix A, B, C Radiological Worker Training
Appendix A, B, C 
Directive Issued
HDBK-1139/3-2008 Chemical Management Handbook (Volume 3, Consolidated Chemical User Safety and Health Requirements) Directive Issued
HDBK-1141-2008 Radiological Assessor Training Directive Issued
HFAC-0017 Human Performance Improvement Handbook (Volume 1 and Volume 2) Board Staff Comments Resolved
SAFT-0126 Safety System Oversight Program Sent to the Board Staff
STD-1025-2008 Weapons Quality Assurance Qualification Standard Directive Issued
STD-1026-2009 Package Certification Engineer Functional Area Qualification Standard Directive Issued
STD-1083-YR Processing Exemptions to Nuclear Safety Rules & Approval of Alternative Methods for Documented Safety Analyses Board Staff Comments Resolved
STD-1098-2008 Radiological Control Directive Issued
STD-1104-YR Review and Approval of Nuclear Facility Safety Basis and Safety Design Basis Documents Board Staff Comments Resolved
STD-1121-2008 Internal Dosimetry Directive Issued
STD-1128-2008 Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium Facilities. Directive Issued
STD-1136-2004 Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Uranium Facilities Board Staff Comments Resolved
STD-1136-YR Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Uranium Facilities Board Staff Comments Resolved
STD-1161-2008 Mechanical Systems Functional Area Qualification Standard Directive Issued
STD-1172-YR Safety Software Quality Assurance Functional Area Qualification Standard Board Staff Comments Received
STD-1173-YR Criticality Safety Functional Area Qualification Standard Board Staff Comments Resolved
STD-1182-YR Civil/Structural Engineering Functional Area Qualification Standard Board Staff Comments Resolved
STD-3006-YR Planning and Conducting Readiness Reviews Sent to the Board Staff
STD-3022-98 (Cancellation) DOE HEPA Filter Test Program Board Staff Comments Resolved
STD-3026-99 (Cancellation) Filter Test Facility Quality Program Plan Board Staff Comments Resolved
TRNG-0068 Safeguards and Security General Technical Base Qualification Standard Board Staff Comments Received
10 CFR 712 Human Reliability Program Board Staff Comments Resolved
10 CFR 850 Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program Board Staff Comments Resolved

* The Board has statutory responsibility to review and evaluate DOE standards and directives [42 U.S.C. 2286a(a)(1)]. The DOE office of the Departmental Representative has responsibility to coordinate these reviews from the Department's perspective [DOE Manual 251.1-1A, II.1.d.4].
** For more information on process or status, please contact David Compton (202-586-1034), Bob McMorland (202-586-0057) or Yi Cheng (202-586-1858).

This Site Last Updated: Tuesday, May 12, 2009  
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