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Official Use Only Program

In 2003, the DOE established an agency-wide Official Use Only (OUO) program to identify and protect unclassified information that may be exempt from public release because of its sensitive nature.

Examples of OUO information include:

  • Circumvention of statute information, such as inspection or appraisal procedures, vulnerability assessments, or any information that could help someone who is attempting to violate a law and avoid detection;

  • Commercial/proprietary information, such as financial information related to bids, contracts, or proposals;

  • Privileged information, such as letters, memorandums, issue papers, or other documents that contain advice, opinions, or recommendations the release of which would have an adverse effect on the Government's ability to obtain advice, opinions, or recommendations in the future; and

  • Personal information, such as social security numbers or performance evaluation reports.

All DOE employees who deal with sensitive information should be familiar with the OUO directives, including the marking and protection requirements. The following resources will assist you in understanding OUO, making accurate OUO determinations, and ensuring that OUO information is properly protected.

Understanding Official Use Only

Trifold Official Use Only Brochure

DOE O 471.3, Identifying and Protecting Official Use Only Information

DOE M 471.3-1, Manual for Identifying and Protecting Official Use Only Information

DOE G 471.3-1, Guide to Identifying Official Use Only Information

If you have questions regarding the DOE's OUO program, contact the Office of Classification Outreach at



This page was last updated on March 09, 2009
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