Privacy& Security Notice
Declassified Document Retrieval System
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The Department of Energy, Richland Operations Office (RL) has aggressively implemented the commitments made by the Federal Government to openness in Government which was stated as a "Fundamental principle that an informed citizenry is essential to the democratic process and that the more the American people know about their Government, the better they will be governed. Openness in government is essential to accountability . . ." RL is committed to responsible openness. The Hanford Declassification Project (HDP) was initiated by RL to declassify to the maximum possible extent all previously classified Hanford operations information (documents and photographs). This project was initiated in 1994 and is planned for completion by the end of FY 2003. The declassified information is scanned and the images made available directly through this homepage or via OpenNet. The intent is to provide easy and timely access to declassified information including that declassified in response to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. To view related sites go to our related web sites page.

There are over 77,000 declassified photographs of early Hanford (1943 - 1960) available on this site. These World War II and Cold War era photographs depict early Hanford construction and the employees/families who lived and build/operated the site. These photos can be easily found by placing "N1D" in the "Simple Search or in the Advanced Search place "N1D" in the "Enter Search Parameters" for the Accession Number and select the "Contains" value for the criteria .

We want the RL Declassification Homepage to be a valuable tool for open communication and interaction with the public. We welcome your ideas for improvement. Please E-mail your comments to

If you encounter functional issues/problems while using this site, please verify that you have the latest Java release installed on your system. Issues typically can be resolved by applying the latest Java updates.

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For questions or comments, please send e-mail to
Hanford Home Page DDRS Ver: 2.1.0

Bobby Approved Symbol. A friendly uniformed police officer wearing a helmet displaying the wheelchair access symbol. Words 'Bobby Approved v3.1' appear to his right.