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Occupational Radiation Exposure
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Corporate Safety Analysis

Requests for Information

How to Request Further Information

Requests for information (other than dose histories) should be directed to:

Ms. Nirmala Rao
OE REMS Project Manager
HS-32, Germantown Building
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C.20585-1290
(301) 903-2297
E-Mail to N. Rao

How to Request Dose Histories From a DOE Facility

To obtain records of occupational exposure directly from a DOE site click here:

DOE Radiation Records Contacts List

If you are attempting to find a contact that is not in the contact list, or is not affiliated with the DOE, contact us for assistance.

Requests for Dose Records from Other Agencies

To request a dose history for an individual monitored for radiation exposure at a U.S. Government agency listed below, contact the following:

NRC Licensees:

Mr. Elijah Dickson

REIRS Project Manager
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555
(301) 415-6704
[Categories of NRC licensees in REIRS]

E-Mail to Elijah Dickson envelope

U.S. Air Force

US Air Force Centerfor Radiation Dosimetry

Attn: Bruce Dicey
2402 Chambers Parkway
Brooks Air Force Base, Texas 78235-5111
(210) 536-5573


US Army Ionizing Radiation Dosimetry

Attn: AMSMI-TMDE-SR-D (Bill Harris)
Bldg 5417
Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-5400

U.S. Navy (all personnel)

Naval Dosimetry Center

Officer in Charge
Navy Environmental Health Center
Naval Dosimetry Center
(ATTN: NARER Officer)
Building 4/6
Bethesda, MD 20889-5603

DOE Nevada Test Site

U.S. Department of Energy

Attn: Dosimetry Research Project, M/S 401
P.O. Box 98521
Las Vegas, NV 89193-8521

Defense Threat Reduction Agency

Defense Threat Reduction Agency

Attn: NSSN / Nuclear Test Personnel Review
6801 Telegraph Road
Alexandria, VA 22310-3398

NTPR Program Helpline: 1-800-462-3683

From the DOE REMS Repository:

You may submit a request for an individual's dose history to the REMS Project Manager to obtain a report of the individual's dose records as reported to REMS. Note that the dose records in the REMS database cover the years 1987 to the present. Some sites have voluntarily submitted historical records for data prior to 1987 which may be included in the dose records. For dose records prior to 1987 that are not included in the report, you must contact the site that provided monitoring.

Disclaimer: The records in the REMS database represent the data as submitted by the site for each monitoring year.  In cases where the dose record may have been updated by the site subsequent to the submittal to REMS, the update may not be reflected in the REMS database.  The dose of record is maintained at the monitoring site and takes precedence over the data in REMS.  Dose records prior to 1987 must be obtained from the monitoring site.  Upon verification and signature by the monitored individual, the dose history report may be used by the individual as a record of prior exposure in accordance with 10 CFR 835.702 (d) and (e).

How to Submit a Dose History Request to REMS:

  1. Fill out a dose history request form. Be sure to include all information on the form and include the necessary identification documents when submitting the request.

  2. Submit the completed request form using one of these methods.

    FAX the completed request form to:

    DOE Radiation Exposure Records
    Attn: Derek Hagemeyer, ORAU
    Phone: 865-241-3615
    FAX: 865-241-4924

    Or, you can mail the completed request form to the address below. DO NOT send the dose request among other correspondence or other types of submittals. Note on the outside envolope that it contains a dose history request. Send the request separately to:

    Ms. Nirmala Rao
    DOE REMS Project Manager
    HS-32, Germantown Building
    U.S. Department of Energy
    1000 Independence Avenue, SW
    Washington, DC 20585-1290

  3. Alternatively, you can request DOE or NRC radiation exposure records on-line from the REIRS web page at

This page was last updated on March 06, 2009
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