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DAAC Search and Order Help

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What is the GSFC DISC Search and Order Web Interface?

The GSFC DISC data search and order interface is a simple point-and-click web interface that is based on a hierarchical organization of data, displayed as tables. All tables list a particular data product grouping such as data product name, year, or month in the first column on the left. This is followed by columns of statistics including begin date, end date, number of items available in the DISC archives, and average item size. Short descriptions or instructions are provided where appropriate. If a data product has browse images, then a preview feature is provided. If a data product can be ordered from a given table, then the last column on the right would be "Select to Order"and contain a clickable button

Starting with a particular User View, you can search for data by following particular paths down the hierarchy. At the lowest level, a list of data items is shown. At certain levels of the hierarchy, you can also use orbital and parameter search features to customize your search.

Specific help is also provided at the top of each page of this system.

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Responsible NASA Official: Steve Kempler, DISC Manager --
GES DISC Help Desk: 301-614-5224 or 1-877-422-1222 --
Webmaster: Anthony Drake --