Detrick Center for Training & Education Excellence
1520 Freedman Drive, Suite 200
Fort Detrick, Maryland 21702-9226
DSN 343-2854
FAX 301-619-2884

DCTEE incorporates three
major programs:

  • Army Continuing Education
  • Military Training
  • Civilian Training & Development

Upcoming Education Opportunities:

Civilian Education System (CES):

CES Information Download PDF

During the Army's transformation, civilians have been asked to perform tasks previously done by military personnel. To do a good job and perform well, they need the training and education formerly reserved for Soldiers.

In February 2003, the Army Chief of Staff's Army Training and Leader Development Panel identified civilian training as a high priority, and recommended implementing a centralized Army education system.

CES was the result of that recommendation and replaces existing programs. It is a progressive and sequential civilian-leader development program.

It provides enhanced leader development and education opportunities for Army civilians throughout their careers. As of right now, attending CES courses is not a mandatory requirement, but the proposal is being addressed by G-3.

We are in a changing time in the Army and we need to grow our leaders. Our civilians need to be better equipped and educated so they can be ready to meet the needs of the Army. It's a testament to our dedication to warfighters and their Families.

Functional Academic Skills Training (FAST)

Do you want to improve your academic skills? Do you want to raise your current GT score? If you answered yes to either question, FAST class is for you. FAST class is individualized, self-paced training to help soldiers attain academic competencies necessary for job proficiency and further training. You are supported by computer-based curricula, printed material, web links and an instructor. Soldiers who have a GT score below 110 are eligible. Units usually give priority to soldiers who have GT scores below 100. Your first step is to schedule the Test for Adult Basic Education (TABE). The TABE is offered everyWednesday at 1300 at the TABE. To schedule a DCTEE test call 301-619-2856/DSN 343-2856.

On-Line Training:

Please note that the Army Learning Center located in Bldg. 1520; DCTEE has 17 computer stations available to conduct on-line training. This service is available to all Fort Detrick personnel. If you are having difficulty meeting your educational needs at your work station, please make use of this valuable asset.

Fort Detrick Young Engineers and Scientists Program (YES):

Students in 7th & 8th grades spend one week in a laboratory setting learning basic scientific principles.

YES Program
Visit the YES Website.

Colleges & Universities:

UMUC LogoUniversity of Maryland University College

University of Maryland University College (UMUC) offers advising, undergraduate and graduate classes at Fort Detrick, Detrick Center for Training and Education Excellence (DCTEE) and also at NCI-Frederick at Fort Detrick.
Visit the UMUC Website.

Webster University

Graduate Credit
for Training
and Education

Detrick Center for Training and Education Excellence

Looking for ways to use training courses for graduate academic credit? Webster University has a number of programs that can help you reach your goals.

Adopt-A-School Program:

Achievement Counts:


If a teenager needed your advice, would you give it? They do...and you can.

With a limited time commitment (equivalent to 2 half days), you can influence and inspire 100 young people in your community high schools. Achievement Counts demonstrates the important connection between achievement in school and success in the workplace and in life.

Download PDF