Table O-3
R&D expenditures for selected countries, by performing sector: Most recent year
Country   Industry   Higher education   Government   Other nonprofit
South Korea (2005)   76.9   9.9   11.9   1.4
Japan (2004)   75.2   13.4   9.5   1.9
United States (2006)   71.1   13.7   11.0   4.2
Germany (2005)   69.9   16.5   13.6   NA
China (2005)   68.3   9.9   21.8   NA
Russian Federation (2005)   68.0   5.8   26.1   0.2
United Kingdom (2004)   63.0   23.4   10.3   3.3
France (2005)   61.9   19.5   17.3   1.2
Canada (2006)   52.4   38.4   8.8   0.5
Italy (2004)   47.8   32.8   17.9   1.5

NA = not available

SOURCES: National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics, National Patterns of R&D Resources (annual series); and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Main Science and Technology Indicators (2006).

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008