Facilities Information Management System

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FIMS Management
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FIMS Login

As stewards of a national resource, the Department of Energy is using the Facilities Information Management System (FIMS) as a tool that assists us in managing our corporate physical assets.  FIMS is the Department's corporate real property database for real property as required by DOE Order 430.1B Real Property Asset Management order.  The system provides the Department with an accurate inventory and management tool that assists with planning and managing all real property assets.  Real property includes land and anything permanently affixed to it, such as buildings, fences, and building fixtures (lights, plumbing, heating and air conditioning, etc).  Complete and accurate information on real property holdings is critical to the Department for managing facilities and reporting to the General Services Administration (GSA), Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Congress, and the taxpayers.  

The data elements within FIMS are sponsored by various Headquarters program offices.  As a data element sponsor, the program offices are responsible for defining the data element, providing guidance, and justifying the need to collect the data within FIMS.  Information is tracked on an individual asset basis.  The data is organized by ownership which includes DOE Owned, DOE Leased, DOE Ingrant, Contractor Leased, Contractor License, Institutional Control, Permit, GSA Owned and GSA Leased.

FIMS provides DOE and contractor personnel with online access to DOE facility information.  It is an important asset management and planning tool for DOE Headquarters and the Field Offices.  The database holds unclassified information and is subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act.

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Latest News:

Major Initiatives to increase Energy Savings (8/07/07)

DOE launches major initiative to increase energy savings across the nationwide DOE complex by 30 percent. 

Energy Bill Deliverables (8/28/05)

This document outlines the requirements, deliverables, and deadlines for the Energy Policy Act of 2005.

Federal Real Property Council (4/01/05)

The Federal Real Property Council (FRPC) was established by the President in 2004 with Executive Order 13327.  The FRPC initiatives, as well as real property asset management concerns, are described on the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) website. 

Various data is need for each federal agency real property asset in order for the FRPC to meet its objectives.  DOE is supporting the effort by using the corporate FIMS real property system to provide the requested data. 

Intelligent Sustainment and Renewal of DOE Facilities and Infrastructure (01/01/05)

The National Research Council of the National Academies has published a report entitled, "Intelligent Sustainment and Renewal of Department of Energy Facilities and Infrastructure".  Hard copies of the report have already been distributed to the HQ program offices.

President Bush's fiscal year 2004 budget has put all federal agencies on notice that the administration will place increased attention on the management of billions of dollars worth of property, inventories and loans.  There will also be increased emphasis on the need for effective inventory systems with accurate information.  If you wish to read a recent article from Government Executive Magazine on Asset Management, click here.  Also, there is a section from the fiscal year 2003 budget, Governing with Accountability, that may be of interest as well.

DOE Order 430.1B RPAM (Updated: 2/8/08)

The directive establishes an integrated corporate-level, performance based approach to the life cycle management of our real property assets.  It links real property asset planning, programming, budgeting and evaluation of the Department's multi-faceted missions.  Successful implementation of this order will enable the Department to carry out our stewardship responsibilities, and will ensure that our facilities and infrastructure are property sized and in a condition to meet our mission requirements to day and in the future.  A link to this order is provided below as well as the signed implementation memo.


Signed Implementation RPAM Memorandum


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