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Account Request

Because of the security sensitivity of some information, DOE is limiting access to this web site. Members of the public cannot access it at this time. DOE regrets any inconvenience caused by this decision, which reflects an awareness of the need for elevated security to protect the public.

Government officials and DOE contractors may request an account on this web site by completing the electronic form below. Please complete all required fields, indicated by an asterisk.

DOE will continue to review and allow access to approved individuals upon request. If you have questions, please e-mail the HSS User Support at or call our toll-free information line (800-473-4375) and we will direct your request to the responsible DOE office.

Once approved, you will be contacted via e-mail with your account information if you are an ORPS/CAIRS account holder. If you are not an ORPS/CAIRS account holder, you will be directed to contact the HSS User Support to receive your username and password.

Are you a current ORPS Account Holder? If YES, Then fill out all required(*) boxes on the form below down through the ORPS Username field and click on the SUBMIT button. If NO, please fill out all boxes on the form below and then Click on the SUBMIT button.

* = Required Field

*First Name: 
*Last Name: 
*Address 1: 
Address 2: 
*ORPS/CAIRS Account Holder?:  Yes   No
If Yes, ORPS/CAIRS Username:
*DOE Contact: 
*DOE Contact Phone: 

This page was last updated on March 23, 2009
The White House Spanish Version E-gov IQ FOIA
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1-800-dial-DOE | f/202-586-4403 |

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