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Office of the Chief Information Officer

Project Management

External Independent Review Standard Operating Procedure (EIR SOP) (October 2008) - This EIR Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) includes discussion of the EIR process, scope elements and lines of inquiry (LOI) (tailored based on the project scope, size, complexity, political sensitivity, dollar value, and other factors), corrective action plans (CAP), and OECM’s Performance Baseline validation process. The objectives of this SOP are to clarify EIR expectations and to facilitate EIR planning and preparation by OECM and its EIR contractor as well as the DOE Program and project team.

CERF Independent Research Assessment of Project Management (pdf) - the Civil Engineering Research Foundation (CERF) conducted a project management research study for the (DOE) to identify key components affecting project performance, to evaluate performance factors, measures, and metrics in relation to their correlation with project success, and to make recommendations with regard to improving performance on different types of projects. (7.12.2004)

National Research Council Report - Progress in Improving Project Management at the Department if Energy: 2003 Assessment 

National Research Council Report - Progress in Improving Project Management at the Department of Energy: 2002 Assessment    

National Research Council Report - Letter Report (January 17, 2001) (pdf)

National Research Council Report Improving Project Management at the Department of Energy (1999) (Phase II Report)

Assessing the Need for Independent Project Reviews in the Department of Energy (1998) (Phase-I Report)

NAS Report on Risk Management (Final Report) (pdf)

Measuring Performance and Benchmarking Project Management at the Department of Energy (pdf)


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