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U.S. Transuranium and Uranium Registries

Conducting a multi-faced program that studies the biokinetics and dosimetry of the actinide elements in humans, the USTUR is a major contributor to radiological protection guidelines and methodologies for assessing human exposure to these radioactive elements. This is important to DOE because the occupational exposures of DOE workers continue to include the potential for internal deposition of materials containing uranium and plutonium through inhalation, ingestion or injection. Doses from these depositions cannot be directly measured, but are calculated from a variety of measurements, techniques, and computer models.

Radiochemical analyses of tissues voluntarily donated posthumously by occupationally-exposed USTUR registrants reveal how plutonium and uranium are metabolized and distributed through the body. USTUR combines this information with data from each registrant's employment, exposure, and medical histories to have a comprehensive set of real-life, human data that are used to develop and improve internal dosimetry modeling approaches that are applicable to radiation workers, as well as for members of the public who may be exposed during an accidental or intentional radiological dispersal event.

The National Human Radiology Tissue Repository (NHRTR) and the National Radiobiology Archive (NRA), for animal tissues, are two additional USTUR components that provide stewardship of specialized collections of human or animal tissues, histopathology slides, and research materials related to USTUR and other DOE-sponsored radiation studies. These materials are preserved, catalogued and made available to qualified scientists wishing to perform actinide micro-distribution or molecular studies utilizing deeply frozen tissues containing plutonium or uranium.

Supported by a DOE grant to Washington State University, USTUR embodies a unique combination of capabilities and facilities in an academic setting that provides opportunity for students and university personnel to participate in USTUR research and specialized analytical projects. Additionally, the Registries are guided by an external Scientific Advisory Committee, comprised of seven individuals with expertise in pertinent disciplines. Oversight by this Committee and interaction with academics ensure the quality and independence of USTUR research. The USTUR web site at provides access to USTUR reports and much more information about the project.

Accomplishments: The following accomplishments directly support USTUR's mission of providing independent, continuous improvement in techniques used to estimate internal doses attributable to intakes of long-lived radioactive materials. This will help ensure that radiological protection standards and dosimetry models are protective of worker health.

  • In June, USTUR published a new website that includes information of general interest about USTUR, the history of the Registries and Advisory Committees, and also "News" of special USTUR events and research progress. USTUR is working hard to publish on this site all of its radiochemistry and health physics data, with a summary description of every Registrant case study.

  • During the past 38 years, USTUR has performed about 20,000 radio-chemical analyses on hundreds of autopsy samples donated by nearly 400 Registrants to form the basis for many technical reports, with more than 150 papers being published in peer-reviewed, scientific literature.

  • With 105 Registrants between the ages of 35 and 96 years-old, USTUR will obtain additional data that will continue to improve and narrow the uncertainties associated with dose assessment. This could result in less conservative risk assumptions and in a reduction of costs for engineering controls needed to prevent occupational exposures to the actinide elements.

  • Provided data and expertise in verifying and refining a suite of software programs that implement state-of-the-art methodologies for assessing internal doses incurred by DOE workers across the complex.

  • Attracted a nationally and internationally recognized expert in the field of internal dose assessment and actinide biokinetic research to serve as Principal Investigator for the grant's renewed (5-year) cycle. He is moving USTUR more strongly into quantitative modeling approaches for data analyses and will use USTUR's growing number of donated tissues to determine human inter-subject variability in key transfer rates within the dosimetric models used to determine tissue doses and health risk.

  • Began developing a dosimetry model that better mechanically represents the effects of chelation therapy on the biokinetics of actinide elements in humans. This is especially timely because chelation therapy may be used after accidents or terrorist events. Contributing to USTUR's ability to fill this significant gap in knowledge of actinide element dosimetry will be the hundreds of additional radiochemical tissue analyses from three additional whole bodies expected to be donated by Registrants in the next few years.


DOE Liaison:
Marsha Lawn

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This page was last updated on April 08, 2009
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