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Office of the Chief Information Officer

Property Management

Online Resources

Personal Property Management

  • Energy Assets Disposal System (EADS) provides simplified and improved internal screening of DOE excessed personal property. It satisfies statutory procurement mandates to use excess as the first source of supply. EADS is a module within GSAXcess that is exclusive to DOE. Admission to EADS is controlled by user-id and password. Contact the Personal Property Management Division at (202) 287-1369 for information about access to EADS.
  • Property Information Database System (PIDS) provides the means for reporting DOE and contractor held property for sensitive items and equipment ($5k to $25k and greater than $25k) to Congressional and other Federal offices.
  • Federal Automotive Statistical Tool (FAST) assists fleets in meeting the data reporting requirements of Executive Order 13149 "Greening the Government Through Federal Fleet and Transportation Efficiency," The Energy Policy Act of 1992, as amended by the Energy Conservation Reauthorization Act of 1998 (Public Law 105-388), the General Services Administration's SF82 "Agency Report of Motor Vehicle Data", and the Office of Management and Budget's Circular A-11 "Preparation, Submission and Execution of the Budget."  Data collected through the FAST satisfies all of these requirements.
  • The Sunflower System is the official property management system for the U.S. Department of Energy.  All Headquarters Program Elements are required to use Sunflower to maintain property accountability.  APRs are the primary users of Sunflower.  Sunflower allows the tracking of DOE property from receipt to final disposition.  Sunflower is a web-enabled, centralized database system that permits entry, tracking, and reporting of the inventory.  The Sunflower system is accessible only from users connected to the DOE network, it is not accessible to the public.  For problems or issues with Sunflower please send an e-mail to Sunflower@hq.doe.gov.

Real Property Management

  • Condition Assessment Survey (CAS) is a systematic inspection process to determine asset conditions. Its primary objective is to assist all Departmental sites in assessing the condition of their assets and estimating the cost to repair or replace asset systems. The data is gathered by architectural, civil, structural, electrical and mechanical system inspections. The surveys are based on a set of consensus standards, methods, and technologies to conduct the surveys. The program is deficiency-based for collecting data on repair and replacement needs. The data is stored in a central database, the Condition Assessment Information System (CAIS), where it can be reviewed, costed, and reported. CAIS is a central database containing information about the condition of assets and cost estimates to repair or replace assets. Data is stored for reviewing, costing, and reporting on using various scenarios. Costing and system deficiency data can be interfaced with the DOE Facilities Information Management System (FIMS) for Departmentwide distribution. Additional information can be found on the CAS web site.
  • Facilities Information Management System (FIMS) is the Department's corporate inventory system for tracking real property owned or leased by the Department. This includes land, buildings, trailers, and other structures and facilities. It consists of data elements utilized and sponsored by the various Department program offices. In addition to property information the database also includes maintenance cost and condition information on each facility. It has become the corporate management tool for planning at Headquarters and Field Offices.
  • RS Means CostWorks (CostWorks) is a commercial cost estimating software product that has been customized to include estimating models for numerous DOE specific property types.  CostWorks can be used for calculating accurate Replacement Plant Values (RPV), construction project cost estimates, and sustainment costs based on facility life cycle parameters.  CostWorks has 35 industry-standard models and 41 DOE-specific models.  This tool contains an electronic version of most of the RS Means construction cost libraries including the Assemblies Cost Data, the Green Building Cost Data, and the Facilities Maintenance and Repair Data libraries.  Currently, DOE purchases 50 licenses per year of this tool for distribution to headquarters and the field offices.


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U.S. Department of Energy | 1000 Independence Ave., SW | Washington, DC 20585
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