Chart of health care cost savings
White House Photo, 5/11/09, Pete Souza

Health Care Cost Savings

The President hosts a remarkable health reform meeting, both for the $2 trillion in national savings that was discussed, and for the stakeholders in attendance.

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The President gives his Weekly Address on credit card reform
White House Photo, 5/8/09, Pete Souza

Weekly Address 5-9-09 Credit Card Reform

The President calls on Congress to pass a vital credit card reform bill to keep companies from ripping off working Americans.

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The President discusses new opportunities for job training and education for the unemployed
White House Photo, 5/8/09, Chuck Kennedy

New Training, New Jobs

While continuing to work to turn the national economy around, the President offers new ways for individuals to turn their own economic lives around.

Read the Remarks
The President discusses fiscal responsibility
White House Photo, 5/7/09, Chuck Kennedy

Fiscal 100

The President discusses his budget reductions released today as a change in the way Washington does business, OMB Director Orszag gives details on the blog.
Read the Remarks Learn More
White House Photo, 5/11/09, Pete Souza

Health Care Cost Savings

The President hosts a remarkable health reform meeting, both for the $2 trillion in national savings that was discussed, and for the stakeholders in attendance.

Watch the Video
TUE, MAY 12, 4:31 PM EST

OMB Director Orszag Corrects the Record on the OMB & EPA

OMB Director Peter Orszag "clears the air" on some misconceptions in the media today.
TUE, MAY 12, 3:41 PM EST

Addressing Health Care Costs From All Angles

The President holds a meeting with five employers, a state health department, and a union to discuss innovative ideas that are being implemented in the workplace to improve the health of workers and reduce the rising rate of health care spending.
MON, MAY 11, 6:41 PM EST

A Few Laughs

The President cracks jokes about the press corps, his Administration, his critics, and himself at the White House Correspondents' Dinner.
Includes video.


Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act

Signed: Wednesday, April 21, 2009

Omnibus Public Lands Management Act

Signed: Monday, March 30, 2009

Small Business Act Temporary Extension

Signed: Thursday, March 19, 2009

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Signed: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 

DTV Delay Act

Signed: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 

Children’s Health Insurance Reauthorization Act

Signed: Wednesday, February 4, 2009 

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

Signed: Thursday, January 29, 2009  



Read the President's economic agenda.

Energy & the Environment

Read the President's agenda on energy & the environment.

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