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44 Found
1 Structure   c1993- 1
2 Structure-Activity Relationships Among The Semisynthetic Antibiotics / edited By D. Perlman  1977 1
3 Structure-Activity Relationships In Toxicology And Ecotoxicology : An Assessment   c1986 1
4 Structure And Activity Of Enzymes: Federation Of European Biochemical Societies Symposium No. 1, Hel / Edited By T.W. Goodwin, J.I. Harris , B.S. Hartley  1964 1
5 Structure And Assembly Of Bacteriophage Lambda   1977 1
6 Structure And Diversity Of The Influenza Virus Neuraminidase   1985 1
7 Structure And Dynamics By Nmr   c2000 1
8 Structure And Function Of Biologically Active Peptides : Bradykinin, Kallidin, And Congeners / consulting Editor, Ervin G. Erdös  c1963 1
9 Structure And Function Of The Aspartic Proteinases : Genetics, Structures, And Mechanisms / edited By Ben M. Dunn  c1991 1
10 Structure And Function Of The Genome Of Viruses Containing Single-Stranded RNA As Genetic Materials   1977 1
11 Structure And Function Of The Proteins Of Marburg And Ebola Viruses H D Klenk Et Al   2001 1
12 Structure And Function Of Transfer RNA And 5S-RNA / edited By L.O. Froholm And S.G. Laland  1968 1
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