June 23, 1999

The Honorable John T. Conway
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
625 Indiana Avenue, N.W.
Suite 700
Washington, D.C. 20004

Dear Mr. Chairman:

Consistent with DOE's efforts to enhance formality of nuclear explosive operations at Pantex, the W88 project plan has been revised. The attached project plan formalizes the activities necessary for line management to authorize restart of nuclear explosive operations. These activities include implementation of process enhancements (as necessary), development and approval of a new authorization basis, internal and external readiness reviews, and an enhanced NESS Revalidation.

It is important to note that the W88 project plan is a first revision. The original plan was approved in March 1999 and is piloting many of the activities necessary to reauthorize operations using a phased approach to SS-21 implementation. This project when completed will greatly enhance DOE's ability to assure nuclear explosives operations are conducted in a safe and compliant manner at Pantex.

Please call me at (505) 845-6045 if you have any questions.


Daniel E. Glenn
ISP Project Officer
Weapon Programs Division


See Page 2

Note: The attachment will be available in [PDF].