February 22, 1999

The Honorable John T. Conway
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
625 Indiana Avenue N. W., Suite 700
Washington, D.C. 20004

Dear Mr. Chairman:

In the Revised Implementation Plan (IP) for Board Recommendation 93-3, Improving DOE Technical Capability in Defense Nuclear Facilities Programs, the Department commits to examine and revise Technical Leadership Development Program (TLDP) guidance to include methods that can be used by Department line organizations to address current issues (e.g., retention of interns) that have adversely affected the program.

As a deliverable pursuant to Commitment 5.3.3 of the IP, the enclosed document, the Technical Leadership Development Program Guidance Framework, was developed and approved by the Federal Technical Capability Panel. This document is being used by a working group formed by the Panel that will prepare specific procedures and program descriptions to institutionalize the revised TLDP. The guidance document has been forwarded to the Acting Deputy Secretary (memo attached) to obtain Departmental support where needed for changes to the TLDP.

Completion of the guidance framework represents the initial actions identified under Commitment 5.3.3. Development of specific procedures and implementation of the revised TLDP program will require additional review and approval by the Department. It is anticipated that the revised program will be in place by the third quarter of CY 1999. The Panel will review progress on the completion of the revisions to the TLDP and inform the Board of the status of the program.

If you have any questions, please call me, or your staff may contact Mr. Dave Roth at (202) 426-1506.


Thomas W. Evans
Executive Secretary to the
Federal Technical Capability Panel

Note: Enclosure is available in [PDF].