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Welcome to the Northern California Area Office

Interactive Slide show - click for details A brief slideshow of Shasta dam    Details...

The Northern California Area Office (NCAO) is responsible for the operation and maintenance of Shasta, Keswick, Trinity, Lewiston, Spring Creek Debris, Whiskeytown, Red Bluff Diversion, and Buckhorn Dams, including powerplants and appurtenant facilities.

In addition, NCAO also oversees the operation of East Park and Stony Gorge Dams, the Coleman, Lewiston, and Livingston Stone National Fish hatcheries, administers water service contracts, and manages Reclamation lands within its geographical area.


Brian Person, Area Manager
16349 Shasta Dam Boulevard
Shasta Lake, CA 96019

Notice 4/10/09

The Shasta-Chappie OHV area has been reopened; you will be allowed to drive across Shasta Dam for access to the area by first producing a valid driver’s license and subjecting your vehicle, any trailer(s), their contents, and all vehicle occupants, to a security inspection.   Details...


In the News

Bureau of Reclamation, Mid-Pacific Region

2800 Cottage Way, Sacramento CA  95825-1898
Main (916) 978-5100   |   FAX (916) 978-5114   |   TDD (916) 978-5608

Reclamation Officials' Telephone Numbers

Last update: April 10, 2009

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