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Libros Electrónicos

Biografía - Biography

Contemporary Hispanic Biography
(Gale Virtual Reference Library)
Detroit: Thomson Gale, 2002
v.1 | v.2 | v.3 | v.4.

Biografías de personajes importantes de ascendencia latina que conforman la comunidad Hispana internacional. Incluye personalidades de diferentes nacionalidades en una gran variedad de áreas como arquitectura, arte, negocios, danza, educación, moda, cine, periodismo, legislación, literatura, medicina, música, política y gobierno, publicidad, religión, ciencia y tecnología, ciencias sociales, deportes, televisión, teatro, etc.

Ciencias de la Información - Information Science

Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology
Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, Ed. Hershey
Pennsylvania: Idea Group Reference, 2005.
3183 pp. 5 vols.

Esta enciclopedia de 5 volúmenes incluye más de 550 artículos sobre temas actuales y tecnologías emergentes en campos como: Educación a Distancia, Comunidades Virtuales, Bases de Datos y Comercio Electrónico entre muchos otros. Cuenta con la participación de más de 900 renombrados investigadores de diferentes países.

Ciencias Sociales - Social Science

American Social Reform Movements Reference Library 5v, 2007
Current headlines, classroom assignments, and natural concern all draw students to social reform studies. American Social Reform Movements Reference Library satisfies the curiosity of students and helps them successfully complete research and projects. The four-volume set chronicles and illustrates movements from the American Revolution to the present day. The two Almanac volumes discuss economic, religious and political forces that played a role in the formation of the various movements. In addition, they detail issues such as civil rights, environmental issues, gay rights, the peace movement, poverty and women's rights. Significant coverage is given to minorities and women, with the Biographies volume profiling Sojourner Truth, Kweisi Mfume, Samuel Gompers, Frederick Douglass, Gloria Steinem, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Rosa Parks. Interesting portraits are also presented of Frederick Douglass, Lyman Beecher, Martin Luther King, Jr. and many other key figures. The Primary Sources volume uses documents, diaries, letters, speeches and other sources to explain significant events as well as the daily life of ordinary citizens. The Primary Sources volume includes selections such as "Twenty Years at Hull House," by Jane Addams, "The Feminine Mystique," by Betty Friedan, "Radically Gay: Gay Liberation in the Words of Its Founders," by Harry Hay and "Message to the Grass Roots," by Malcolm X. Contextual material covers the themes of the sources, the people associated with them and the aftermath.

Social Trends and Indicators USA
Arsen J. Darnay, Ed.
Detroit: Gale, 2003.
1936 pp. 4 vols.

Estadísticas detalladas de temas sociales acompañadas del análisis de expertos. Los datos estadísticos provienen del Buró de Estadísticas Laborales, Buró del Censo, Buró de Análisis Económico y la Administración de Seguridad Social; además del Wall Street Journal, el New York Times y la Bolsa de Valores.

Diccionarios - Dictionaries

Diccionarios Merriam-Webster en línea
Merriam-Webster en línea
- Diccionario Merriam-Webster Inglés/Español
- Guía de estilo
- Atlas
- Webster´s Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged
- Merriam-Webster´s Collegiate Dictionary, onceava edición con guía de pronunciación
- Merriam-Webster´s Collegiate Thesaurus
- Merriam-Webster´s Collegiate Encyclopedia
Merriam Webster en línea versión gratuita en Internet: www.m-w.com

Historia - History

Americans at War
John Resch, Ed. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005.
1196 pp. 4 vols.

Académicos especialistas en historia, literatura, arte, sociología, derecho, ciencia política y psicología explican los principales conflictos estadounidenses desde las guerras de la Colonia hasta la guerra contra el terrorismo en el contexto de otros eventos sociales y culturales. Los artículos incluyen biografías y temas como los derechos civiles, medios de comunicación, política, cultura popular, religión, identidad nacional, celebraciones cívicas y arte monumental, literatura, el papel de las mujeres y las minorías, ciencia y tecnología, humor y música.

Development of the Industrial U.S. Reference Library 4v, 2006
In the second half of the 19th century, America transformed itself into an industrial power, ready to assume a dominant position on the world scene in the 20th century. The development of industrialization and the consumer society brought about opportunities for many Americans as part of an ever-growing middle class, but also resulted in environmental and social degradation that we continue to deal with at the present time. UXL's Development of the Industrial U.S. Reference Library: Almanac traces the influence of the British Industrial Revolution on America and other nations and discusses such potent forces as advances in transportation and communication, inventions that transformed manufacturing and agriculture, the growth of trade and much more. Biographies includes entries on various notables, including Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, Jay Gould, Jane Addams and others. Primary Sources provides excerpts and explications of seminal sources, including legislative acts, accounts of daily life from regular citizens, political cartoons and more.

Encyclopedia of Recreation and Leisure in America
Gary S. Cross, Ed. Detroit: Charles Scribner´s Sons, 2004.
1036 pp. 2 vols.

La "Encyclopedia of Recreation an Leisure in America" ofrece un panorama de las actividades que los estadounidenses han realizado, desde la época de la Colonia hasta el presente, para divertirse en su tiempo libre. Explora pasatiempos que van desde los rodeos hasta las reuniones de mujeres para coser edredones "quilting bees", pasando por los juegos de béisbol en la calle, y las carreras de autos particulares modificados "stock car racing". Examina cómo las diversiones han evolucionado a través del tiempo, en el contexto de los cambios en las tendencias sociales, culturales, políticas y económicas en los Estados Unidos. En particular, la forma en que dichas actividades han variado por región, clase social, etnia, género y edad.

Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. Economic History
(Gale Virtual Reference Library)
Detroit: Thomson Gale, 2000
2 vols. (1250 p.)

Diseñada para contestar preguntas como: ¿Cómo ha influido la Constitución de los Estados Unidos en el desarrollo de la economía?
Esta obra presenta más de 1,000 definiciones, semblanzas por épocas, perfiles de eventos y movimientos importantes, biografías, perfiles de industrias, compañías y áreas geográficas.

Television in American Society Reference Library 4v, 2007
Focused on a popular topic, this exciting collection gives students and teachers substantial material for discussion and research. The three-volume set shows how television has reflected and influenced American society and culture throughout its history, covering both positive and negative effects. Accessible and interesting as well as informative, this Library includes more than 180 interesting illustrations and sidebars, clear prose, and ideas for activities, research and further reading. A subject index, chronology and words-to-know section are among the many other features supporting student achievement. The Library contains three distinct volumes. The Almanac looks at the history of television chronologically, starting with the introduction of the technology in the 19th century and ending with issues that face the industry as well as its future outlook. Included in its coverage are the most popular and influential TV programming and seminal moments in TV history. Other subjects include networks, viewing trends, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), types of programming (such as Children's, educational, dramas, comedies, news, sports), advertising and the emergence of cable television. Biographies focuses on television's early pioneers, news figures, performers and executives. Included are engaging portraits of key figures such as Roone Arledge, Lucille Ball, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Cosby, Walter Cronkite, Norman Lear, William Paley and Barbara Walters. Also presented are in-depth profiles of important and popular TV programs, among them "All in the Family," "Cheers," "The Mary Tyler Moore Show," "Saturday Night Live" and "Monday Night Football." The Primary Sources volume collects key documents and writings pertaining to the television industry, including transcripts from Tom Brokaw from the fall of the Berlin Wall and excerpts from "Raising PG Kids in a X-Rated World" and The Code of Practices for Television Broadcasters ("Seal of Good Practice," 1981). For example, in the volume are comparisons of early and more recent advertising, coverage of such news events as JFK's assassination and 9/11, and excerpts from books by news and industry leaders.

Leyes y Legislación - Law

Checks and Balances: The Three Branches of the American Government 3v, 2005
Offers easy-to-understand information about the U.S. federal government’s inner workings. Includes historical overviews and examinations of the day-to-day operations of each branch, including information on each branch’s Constitutional duties and obligations; elections, election eligibility, and appointed positions; and the future of each branch.

Crime and Punishment in America Reference Library 5v, 2005
Covering the evolution of the American criminal justice system throughout history, Crime and Punishment in America Reference Library explores everything from juvenile justice to organized crime. Crime and Punishment in America: Almanac examines key topics, including moral and religious beliefs, economic implications of crime and punishment, penology and reform, changing attitudes towards violence, the death penalty and more. Crime and Punishment in America: Biographies includes entries on important figures, such as Jane Addams, Allan Pinkerton, Clarence Darrow, Senator Estes Kefauver, and others. Crime and Punishment in America: Primary Sources includes many documents, from the Sherman Antitrust Law and the Harrison Narcotic Drug Act to Eleanor Roosevelt's letter against lynching and the Report on Lawlessness in Law Enforcement.

Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law 2nd ed., 2v, 2006
Fills a much-needed gap between legal texts focusing on the theory and history behind the law and more practical guides dealing with the law and its everyday effect upon its citizens. Articles include brief descriptions of each issue's historical background, profiles of various U.S. laws and regulations, details of how laws and regulations vary from state to state, and comprehensive bibliographies that include print and Web resources and lists of relevant organizations.

National Survey of State Laws
5th ed.
(Gale Virtual Reference Library)
Detroit: Thomson Gale, 2005.
vol. 1 (717 p.)

Esta obra de consulta es útil para realizar comparaciones entre las leyes estatales vigentes en los diferentes estados de la Unión Americana. Abarca temas tan diversos como el aborto, la discriminación en el trabajo, custodia de menores y las tasas de interés. La guía está dividida en categorías legales generales para ofrecer fácil acceso a temas legales relativos a la familia, bienes raíces, empleo y delitos. Cada ley tiene una descripción general acompañada por tablas comparativas de leyes estatales, y referencias al código o estatuto para localizar el texto completo de la ley en otras fuentes.

Multiculturalismo - Multicultural Studies

Gale Encyclopedia of Multicultural America
2nd ed.
(Gale Virtual Reference Library)
Detroit: Thomson Gale, 2000
3 vols. (1974 pp. )

Contiene ensayos sobre grupos culturales específicos en los Estados Unidos con énfasis en religiones, celebraciones, costumbres e idiomas además de proveer antecedentes históricos y patrones de asentamiento. Abarca grupos étnicos religiosos como los Judios, Caldeos, y Amish. Cada ensayo incluye también referencias a recursos adicionales como organizaciones, centros de investigación, publicaciones, y estaciones de radio y televisión.

La Nación y el Mundo - Nation and The World

Worldmark Encyclopedia of the States
6th ed. Detroit: Gale, 2004.
859 pp.

Información estadística, geográfica, política y social de los 50 estados, además de Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico y las colonias de los Estados Unidos en el Caribe y el Pacífico. Cada entrada contiene datos en 50 rubros que incluyen mapas, tablas, banderas, escudos oficiales y una narrativa histórica.

Negocios - Bussiness

Encyclopedia of Management 5th ed., 2006
Encyclopedia of Management covers over 300 topics in management theories and applications, written by academics and business professionals who have first hand knowledge of the particular topic or essay they are contributing. Topics include: aggregate planning, benchmarking, logistics, diversification strategy, non-traditional work arrangements, performance measurement, productivity measures, supply chain management, and much more.

Gale Encyclopedia of E-Commerce
Jane A. Malonis, Ed. Detroit: Gale, 2002.
863 pp. 2 vols.

La primera edición de la Gale Encyclopedia of E-Commerce provee un panorama global del comercio electrónico para quienes desean formar parte de la comunidad de negocios en Internet o simplemente desean conocer más sobre el tema. En 470 ensayos aborda temas como el desarrollo de sitios Web, financiamiento, publicidad etc., también incluye biografías, legislación relacionada, eventos y perfiles de las principales compañías de comercio electrónico.

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