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April 2009
NEW MEXICO LABS VISIT: Energy Secretary Steven Chu (center) listens to a briefing at the Microsystems and Engineering Sciences Applications Microelectronics Laboratory at Sandia National Laboratories/New Mexico (SNL). In this issue:
  • NNSA Completes Construction of Largest Laser
  • NNSA Non-proliferation Work Supports Goals of U.S.-Russian Joint Statement
  • NNSA, U. of Pennsylvania and Philadelphia Police Raise the Bar for Radiological Security
  • Kansas City Plant Serves 60 Years as National Security Asset
  • NNSA Radiation Detection System Used to Resolve Argentine Theft Case
  • Krol Addresses Meeting of Arctic Nation Representatives
  • Brigadier General Harencak Now DP Assistant Deputy
  • Recent NNSA Awards
  • Stimulus Act Funds Will Enhance NNSA Cleanup
March 2009
NIF OPTICS CHECKER: A National Ignition Facility technician examines a damage inspection instrument that is used to assess the optics in the target chamber. In this issue:
  • National Ignition Facility Breaks the Megajoule Barrier
  • Refurbished W76 Warhead Enters U.S. Nuclear Weapons Stockpile
  • NNSA Consolidates Additional Surplus Special Nuclear Material From Livermore
  • NNSA Contributes to the Front Line Fight Against WMD Trafficking
  • NNSA Nuclear Science Expertise Vital to U.S. Counterterrorism Efforts
  • NNSA and DoD: Partners In Counterterrorism
  • Nevada Test Site Gets New Communication Center
  • Los Alamos Researchers Create ‘Map of Science’
  • NNSA Awards Safety Professionals of the Year
February 2009
PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS TO DOE EMPLOYEES: President Barack Obama listens as he is introduced by Secretary of Energy Steven Chu in the DOE main auditorium of the Forrestal Building in Washington, D.C., In this issue:
  • NNSA Awards IBM Contract to Build Next Generation Supercomputer
  • 14,000 Nuclear Weapons-Worth of Russian Highly Enriched Uranium Eliminated
  • NNSA Recovers 20,000 U.S. Radioactive Sources
  • NNSA: Working To Prevent Nuclear Terrorism
  • Department of Energy’s Moscow and Beijing Offices Change Leadership
  • Nevada Test Site Team Successfully Completes Radiation-Detection Testing
  • Kansas City Plant Employees Receive American Red Cross Award
January 2009
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's Joint Actinide Shock Physics Experimental Research facility, located at NNSA's Nevada Test Site is home to the two-stage gas gun, a 30-meter-long, two-stage device. In this issue:
  • NNSA Announces Decisions to Transform National Security Enterprise
  • NNSA Completes Refurbishment of B61 Bomb
  • NNSA and DTRA Partner on Nuclear Security Challenges
  • NNSA Applauds European Union Contribution to IAEA Fuel Bank
  • NNSA Fact Sheet: The State of the Stockpile
  • Pantex Achieves Environmental Milestone
  • NNSA, FBI Conduct Counter-Terrorism Exercise
  • Kansas City Plant Test Equipment Aids Warfighter
  • Y-12 Participates in Educational Employment Program for Retiring Veterans
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