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Cyber Security Evaluations Reports


  • Independent Oversight Unclassified Cyber Security Inspection of the Idaho Operations Office, the Idaho National Laboratory, and the Idaho Cleanup Project, March 2009 (OUO)

  • Independent Oversight Classified Cyber Security Inspection of the National Nuclear Security Administration at DOE Headquarters, February 13, 2009 (classified)

  • Independent Oversight Unclassified Cyber Security Inspection of the Southeastern Power Administration, February 2009 (OUO)

  • Volume II Independent Oversight Unclassified Cyber Security Inspection of the Y-12 National Security Complex, January 2009 (OUO)


  • Independent Oversight Unclassified Cyber Security Inspection of the Princeton Plasma Physics Labortory, November 2008 (OUO)

  • Independent Oversight Site Assistance Review of Unclassified Cyber Security at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, June 2008 (OUO)

  • Volume II Independent Oversight Classified and Unclassified Cyber Security Inspection of the Livermore Site Office and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, June 2008 (OUO)

  • Independent Oversight Unannounced Cyber Security Red Team Activity Targeting the 2007 Facility Representative Workshop, April 2008 (OUO)

  • Independent Oversight Special Follow-up Review of Security and Cyber Security Programs at Los Alamos National Laboratory, February 28, 2008 (classified)

  • Volume II, Independent Oversight Inspection of Classified and Unclassified Cyber Security at the Nevada Site Office and Nevada Test Site, January 2008 (OUO)


  • Independent Oversight Cyber Security Inspection of the Sandia Site Office and the Sandia National Laboratories, December 27, 2007 (classified)

  • Independent Oversight Unannounced Penetration Test (Red Team) of the Kansas City Plant, December 2007 (OUO)

  • Independent Oversight Inspection of Unclassified Cyber Security at the Department of Energy Headquarters, October 2007 (OUO)

  • Report on the Status of the Department of Energy's Information Security Program for National Security Systems, September 2007 (OUO)

  • Volume II, Independent Oversight Inspection of Cyber Security at the Richland Operations Office and the Hanford Site, June 2007 (OUO)

  • Volume II, Independent Oversight Inspection of Cyber Security at the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, April 2007 (OUO)

  • Volume II, Independent Oversight Inspection of Cyber Security at the Los Alamos Site Office and Los Alamos National Laboratory, February 22, 2007 (classified)


  • Report on the Status of the Department of Energy's Information Security Program for National Security Systems, September 2006 (OUO)

  • Independent Oversight Inspection of Classified Cyber Security at the Idaho Operations Office and the Idaho National Laboratory, September 2006 (OUO)

  • Volume II, Independent Oversight Inspection of Cyber Security at the Savannah River Site, August 8, 2006 (classified)

  • Independent Oversight Inspection of Classified Cyber Security and Classified Matter Protection and Control at the Office of Scientific and Technical Information, June 2006 (OUO)

  • Independent Oversight Inspection of Classified Cyber Security at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, April 19, 2006 (OUO)

  • Independent Oversight Cyber Security Inspection of the Pantex Plant and the Pantex Site Office, May 16, 2006 (classified)

  • Independent Oversight Unannounced Penetration Test (Red Team) of Department of Energy Headquarters, February 2006 (OUO)

  • Independent Oversight Unannounced Penetration Test (Red Team) of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, January 2006 (OUO)


  • DOE Cyber Security Project Team Summary Report and Plan of Action, November 2005 (OUO)

  • Independent Oversight Unannounced Penetration Test (Red Team) of the National Nuclear Security Administration Service Center, November 2005 (OUO)

  • Independent Oversight Unannounced Penetration Test (Red Team) of the National Training Center, October 2005 (OUO)

  • Report on the Status of the Department of Energy's Information Security Program for National Security Systems, September 2005 (OUO)

  • Volume II, Inspection of Classified Cyber Security at the Y-12 Site Office and the Y-12 National Security Complex. July 2005 (OUO)

  • Independent Oversight Summary Report of Cyber Security Programs at the Department of Energy's Power Marketing Administrations, June 2005 (OUO)

  • Volume II, Inspection of Classified Cyber Security at the Sandia Site Office and Sandia National Laboratories, May 2005 (Confidential)

  • Independent Oversight Cyber Security Inspection of the Southeastern Power Administration, April 2005 (OUO)

  • Independent Oversight Cyber Security Inspection of the Western Area Power Administration, April 2005 (OUO)

  • Independent Oversight Cyber Security Inspection of the Brookhaven National Laboratory, February 2005 (OUO)

  • Independent Oversight Cyber Security Inspection of the U.S. Department of Energy Enterprise Architecture Repository, January 2005 (OUO)


  • Independent Oversight Cyber Security Inspection of the Bonneville Power Administration, November 2004 (OUO)

  • Independent Oversight Cyber Security Inspection of the Southwestern Power Administration, October 2004 (OUO)

  • Report on the Status of the Department of Energy's Classified Information Systems Security Program, September 2004 (OUO)

  • Office of Independent Oversight and Performance Assurance and Office of the Chief Information Officer Perimeter Scanning Project, July 2004 (OUO)

  • Independent Oversight Cyber Security Inspection of the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, July 2004 (OUO)

  • Independent Oversight Unannounced Penetration Test (Red Team) of the Nevada Test site, June 2004 (OUO)
  • Independent Oversight Inspection of Classified Cyber Security at the Pantex Plant, June 2004 (classified)

  • Independent Oversight Classified Cyber Security Inspection of the Livermore Site Office and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, March 2004 (classified)


  • Volume II, Independent Oversight Cyber Security Inspection of the Sandia National Laboratories, November 2003 (classified)

  • Report on the Status of the Department of Energy's Classified Information Systems Security Program, August 2003 (OUO)

  • Independent Oversight Special Study: Cyber Security Implications of Wireless Networking Technologies in the U.S. Department of Energy, July 2003

  • Volume II, Independent Oversight Cyber Security Inspection of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, July 2003 (OUO)

  • Volume II, Independent Oversight Cyber Security Inspection of the Hanford Site, June 2003 (OUO)

  • Volume II, Independent Oversight Cyber Security Inspection of the Argonne National Laboratory - East, April 2003 (OUO)

  • Volume II, Independent Oversight Cyber Security Inspection of the Savannah River Site, April 2003 (UCNI)

  • Volume II, Independent Oversight Cyber Security Inspection of the Los Alamos Site Office and Los Alamos National Laboratory, January 2003 (classified)


  • Summary Report Independent Oversight Safeguards and Security and Cyber Security Inspection of the Chicago Operations Office and Argonne National Laboratory-West, December 10, 2002 (classified)

  • Volume II, Independent Oversight Cyber Security Inspection of the Office of the Chicago Operations Office, December 10, 2002 (OUO)

  • Independent Oversight Cyber Security Inspection of the Albuquerque Operation Office, October 25, 2002 (classified)

  • Special Review of Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration's SecureNet System and SecureNet Access Subnet, August 2002 (OUO)

  • Report on the Status of the Department of Energy's Classified Information Systems Security Program, August 2002 (OUO)

  • Summary Report, Independent Oversight Safeguards and Security and Cyber Security Inspection of the Rocky Flats Field Office and the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, July 22, 2002 (classified)

  • Volume II, Independent Oversight Cyber Security Inspection of the Rocky Flats Field Office and the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, July 22, 2002 (OUO)

  • Independent Safeguards and Security Inspection of the Office of Amarillo Site Operations and the Pantex Plant, May 28, 2002 (classified)

  • Summary Report, Independent Oversight Safeguards and Security Inspection of the Oakland Operations Office and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, April 2002 (classified)

  • Independent Oversight Cyber Security Inspection of the Oakland Operations Office and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, April 2002 (OUO)

  • External Network Security Assessment of the Albuquerque Operations Office, March 2002 (OUO)

  • Independent Oversight Inspection of Security and Cyber Security at the Kansas City Plant, February 15, 2002 (classified)

  • Summary Independent Oversight Inspection of Security and Cyber Security at U.S. Department of Energy Headquarters, January 24, 2002 (classified)

  • Volume II Independent Oversight Inspection of Cyber Security at U.S. Department of Energy Headquarters, January 24, 2002 (OUO)


  • Independent Oversight Inspection of Cyber Security at the Y-12 National Security Complex, November 28, 2001 (classified)

  • External Network Security Assessment of Southwestern Power Administration, September 2001 (OUO)

  • Independent Oversight Inspection of Safeguards and Security at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, September 5, 2001 (classified)

  • Independent Oversight Inspection of Cyber Security at the Hanford Site, September 2001 (OUO)

  • Office of Independent Oversight Report on the Status of the Department of Energy's Classified Information System Security Program, August 2001 (OUO)

  • External Network Security Assessment of the Office of Scientific and Technical Information, August 2001 (OUO)

  • Safeguards and Security Follow-up Inspection of the Argonne National Laboratory-West, June 19, 2001 (classified)

  • Cyber Security Review of Argonne National Laboratory - East, April 2001 (OUO)

  • Cyber Security Review of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, April 2001 (OUO)

  • External Network Security Assessment of the Nevada Operations Office and Nevada Test Site, April 2001 (OUO)

  • Independent Safeguards and Security Inspection of the Office of Transportation Safeguards, April 6, 2001 (classified)

  • Independent Safeguards and Security Inspection of the Savannah River Site, March 9, 2001 (classified)

  • Special Review of Department of Energy Classified Laptop Computers, March 2001 (OUO)

  • External Network Security Assessment of the Fernald Environmental Management Project, February 2001 (OUO)


  • Independent Safeguards and Security Inspection of NEST/ARG, December 1, 2000 (UCNI)

  • Safeguards and Security Follow-up Inspection of Sandia National Laboratories, October 18, 2000 (classified)

  • Independent Safeguards and Security Inspection of Department of Energy, September 20, 2000 (classified)

  • External Network Security Assessment of the Bonneville Power Administration, August 2000 (OUO)

  • External Network Security Assessment of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, August 2000 (OUO)

  • Independent Safeguards and Security Inspection of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, July 28, 2000 (classified)

  • Independent Safeguards and Security Inspection of the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, June 23, 2000 (classified)

  • Cyber Security Review of the Unclassified Systems at the Department of Energy Headquarters, May 2000 (OUO)

  • Independent Safeguards and Security Follow-Up Inspection of the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, May 15, 2000 (classified)

  • External Network Security Assessment of the Kansas City Plant, May 2000 (OUO)

  • Independent Safeguards and Security Inspection of the Pantex Plant, April 17, 2000 (classified)

  • External Network Security Assessment of the Western Area Power Administration, April 2000 (OUO)

  • Cyber Security Review of the Brookhaven National Laboratory, March 2000 (OUO)

  • Independent Safeguards and Security Follow-Up Inspection of Sandia National Laboratories-California, January 14, 2000 (UCNI)

  • Independent Safeguards and Security Follow-Up Inspection of the Los Alamos National Laboratories, January 14, 2000 (UCNI)

  • Independent Safeguards and Security Follow-Up Inspection of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, January 14, 2000 (classified)

  • Independent Safeguards and Security Follow-Up Inspection of the Sandia National Laboratories-New Mexico, January 14, 2000 (classified)

Other Publicly Available Oversight Reports
Security Evaluations Reports
Cyber Security Evaluations Reports
Emergency Management Oversight Reports
Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations Reports

This page was last updated on March 26, 2009
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