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Chemical Abstracts on CD-ROM indexes the literature for technical and scientific information including biochemistry, physical, inorganic, and analytical chemistry. References may be in the form of journals, patents, technical reports, dissertations, conference proceedings, and books.
  • CA Annual:   2007 - present
  • CA on CD 15th Collective:   2002 - 2006
  • CA on CD 14th Collective:   1997 - 2001
  • CA on CD 13th Collective:   1992 - 1996

Access to Chemical Abstracts on CD-ROM is available on the workstations in the Computer Resources Area of the Library or as a networked PC-compatible connection, which must be configured on the office desktops of NCI-Frederick employees.

Desktop Configuration
It is easy to set up an office computer to access our Chemical Abstracts (CA) subscription. You must install client software onto your computer first. This process works for PCs only. Please follow these instructions.

  1. From the computer's taskbar, click "Start"
  2. Choose "Run"
  3. Type \\libserver7\cacd\netuser.exe
  4. The "cacd" files will appear on your desktop.
  5. Click "OK"
  6. Follow the prompts to install the client on your machine.
  7. Choose "Run" again
  8. Type \\libserver7\cacd\hasp\haspdinst.exe -i
  9. After installing these drivers, you should be ready to access the databases.

Once installation is complete, please follow these instructions.

  1. Go to "Start"; then "Programs"
  2. Look for "CA on CD"
  3. Click the yellow icon labeled "CA on CD" to try the program
  4. Now, anytime you want to access "CA on CD," just click on the icon.

If you have any problems, please contact Steve Jones in the Library at x5849.

Chemical Abstracts Web Edition gives you access to the same information that is in Chemical Abstracts on CD (1996-present) but with a modern, web-based interface that allows you to search across multiple years. Basic and advanced search options are included with the ability to refine your searches. It is also possible to browse information with substance, subject, and bibliographic indexes.

The Scientific Library has access to Chemical Abstracts Web Edition for a trial period. Complete information on how to access this trial is available from Resource Trials.

Beilstein indexes organic chemical information, including physical properties of substances, reactions, and bibliographic citations. The web interface also allows chemical structure searching. The database, which dates from 1771, is updated daily.

Access to Beilstein is available on one workstation in the Computer Resources Area of the Library ONLY. There is no access through the Library's web page, and no access to office desktops. To use Beilstein, please visit the Scientific Library during regular operating hours.

DiscoveryGate provides user-friendly access to chemical, pharmacological, and biological information with structure-based compound and reaction searching of the CrossFire Beilstein Commander, and other synthetic methodology databases. Please note that this product is licensed solely for access from the Library's Beilstein seat. To learn more about the product, visit the DiscoveryGate website.

Access to DiscoveryGate is available on one workstation in the Computer Resources Area of the Library ONLY. There is no access through the Library's webpage, and no access to office desktops. To use DiscoveryGate, please visit the Scientific Library during regular operating hours.

Additional Chemistry Resources are available from the Scientific Library's website. You can view a complete list at Chemistry.


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Last Updated: Thursday, April 23, 2009      Suggestion Box
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