
Download Cytoscape 2.6.2!

2.6.2 Release Notes »

NEW! Cytoscape 2.6.2

This is a bug-fix release that should work with all 2.6.x plugins. There are no API changes.

Some issues that have been addressed in this release include:

  • Fixed the webstart on Mac OS X problem.
  • Fixed Linkout for Linux when no default browser is set.
  • Fixed bugs: 1865, 1939, 1940, 1927, 1858, 1957, 1917, among others.
  • Improved handling of metanodes.
  • Improvements in the attribute browser that so that new line characters can now be specified.
  • Improved all Cytoscape layouts to support graph partitioning, selected only, and so that configuration parameters are saved.
  • Fixed various documentation issues.
  • Fixed URL loading issues related to file type.
  • Many other minor improvements.

Cytoscape 2.6.1

This is a minor bug-fix release that should work with all 2.6.0 plugins.

There are no API changes, however we have added a new centralized logging facility. See Help->Error Console to see Cytoscape's startup messages and any warnings or errors that occur during operation.

Some Bugs that have been fixed include:

  • Topology filter performance
  • XGMML loading consistency
  • Mac usability issues

Cytoscape 2.6.0

Cytoscape 2.6 Screenshot
(Updated 4/11/2008) New features include:
  • Web Service Client Manager
    • Seamless access to Pathway Commons, IntAct, and NCBI Entrez Gene.
    • Synonym import from BioMart.
  • Cytoscape Themes
  • Dynamic Filters
  • Network Manager supports multiple network selection
  • Label Positioning has been improved
  • Session saving occurs in memory
  • XGMML loading/saving optimized
  • Linkout integrated with attribute browser
  • Extra sample Visual Styles using new visual properties
  • Many, many bug fixes!
Cytoscape 2.6.0 release notes

Cytoscape 2.5.2

This is a bug-fix release that addresses issues related to XGMML loading and parsing old vizmap.props files. Enjoy!

Cytoscape 2.5.1

A point release to address a variety of bugs in the 2.5.0 release.

Cytoscape 2.5.0

Cytoscape 2.5 Screenshot
(Updated 7/23/2007) New features include:
  • New VizMapper User Interface
    • More intuitive
    • Continuous mapping editors
    • Visual editor for default view
    • Visual mapping browser
    • Improved visual legend generator
    • Utilities to generate discrete values
  • New Features for Visual Style
    • Transparency (opactiy) support
    • Continuous edge width
    • Color visual property is separated from Arrow and Edge
  • New Filter User Interface
    • Intuitive widgets for basic filters
    • Suggested search values with indexing
    • Options to save in session or globally.
  • Plugin Manager and New Plugin Website
    • Install/Update/Delete plugins from within Cytoscape
    • Search for version compatible plugins from any host site
    • Display list of installed plugins
  • Layout customization
  • Undo and Redo
  • Group API for plugin developers
  • Node stacking
  • Tested on both Java SE 5 and 6
  • Many, many bug fixes!

Publications about Cytoscape

Melissa S Cline, Michael Smoot, Ethan Cerami, Allan Kuchinsky, Nerius Landys, Chris Workman, Rowan Christmas, Iliana Avila-Campilo, Michael Creech, Benjamin Gross, Kristina Hanspers, Ruth Isserlin, Ryan Kelley, Sarah Killcoyne, Samad Lotia, Steven Maere, John Morris, Keiichiro Ono, Vuk Pavlovic, Alexander R Pico, Aditya Vailaya, Peng-Liang Wang, Annette Adler, Bruce R Conklin, Leroy Hood, Martin Kuiper, Chris Sander, Ilya Schmulevich, Benno Schwikowski, Guy J Warner, Trey Ideker & Gary D Bader

Integration of biological networks and gene expression data using Cytoscape

Nature Protocols 2, 2366 - 2382 (2007) Published online: 27 September 2007 | doi:10.1038/nprot.2007.324

[PubMed entry].
Shannon P, Markiel A, Ozier O, Baliga NS, Wang JT, Ramage D, Amin N, Schwikowski B, Ideker T.

Cytoscape: a software environment for integrated models of biomolecular interaction networks.

Genome Research 2003 Nov; 13(11):2498-504

[Abstract] [PDF] [PubMed entry].

Updated! (July 24 2007) Research using Cytoscape

As of July 2007, 281 publications are citing Shannon et al. (2003).

[Link to Publications Page]

Note: If you have a publication which makes use of Cytoscape, please let us know by sending an email to the cytoscape-discuss mailing list.

Past news articles are available here.

Getting Help:

Need help getting started with Cytoscape? Email our help-desk mailing list.

Cytoscape Announcements:

Google Summer of Code 2009.  March 26, 2009
  • We are looking for students to help build Cytoscape, GenMAPP and WikiPathways through the Google Summer of Code 2009 program. If you are a student and are interested in open source and biology, then you should apply! [link] [cont.]

MetScape released.  March 16, 2009
  • The CCMB/NCIBI MetScape was released on March 13 2009 to Cytoscape!

    You can Download MetScape from Cytoscape plugins websit at [link]. MetScape is verified to work in Cytoscape v2.6, v2.6.1 and v2.6.2.

    MetScape is a Cytoscape plugin which is used to visualize and analyze [cont.]

Cytoscape release 2.6.2!.  March 2, 2009
  • Hi Everyone, The Cytoscape team is proud to announce the release of Cytoscape 2.6.2! This release consists of bug fixes and should be fully compatible with all 2.6.x plugins.. Some of issues that have been addressed with this release include: - Fixed the webstart on Mac OS X problem. - Fixed Linkout for Linux when no default browser is set. [cont.]

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Cytoscape Community:

Cytoscape currently supports three mailing lists, all of which are hosted at Google Groups:

  • cytoscape-announce: Low-volume mailing list used to accounce new developments in Cytoscape.
    Subscribe | Browse Archives

  • cytoscape-helpdesk: Open forum for getting Cytoscape help. Geared towards new users.
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  • cytoscape-discuss: Open forum for discussing Cytoscape, asking questions, suggesting new features, and developing plugins.
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