Congressman Lynn A. Westmoreland
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Mr. Smith mimics Washington
By Lynn Westmoreland The “Smith Family” has an expensive house, a new car and they’d never purchase their chic clothes off the discount rack. If they... (full story...)

National Day of Prayer brings Americans together
Today is National Prayer Day, and I hope all people of faith will set aside a little time to join me with bowed head and bended knee to ask God to bless our nation and to give us hope and healing during these trying times.
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Voting Rights Act case gives hope Georgia will be freed
Rep. Lynn Westmoreland’s statement on today’s oral argument of the VRA Section 5 case before the Supreme Court
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Hate crimes bill creates federal thought police
U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland voted against federal hate crime legislation that poses serious constitutional problem. The bill passed the House today despite strong Republican opposition.
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