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Laptop Librarian

The LAPTOP LIBRARIAN is here for you where and when you need help! The Laptop Librarian service brings librarians to locations more accessible and convenient to you. During the following days and times you will find a librarian ready to answer any questions you may have about Scientific Library resources or services:

  • Mondays, 10:00am-12:00pm
    Building 560, Main Entrance
  • Tuesdays, 1:00pm-3:00pm
    Building 539, Conference Room, First Floor

Need help now? Contact the Library to get answers to your questions at a more convenient time. You may reach us via email ( and by phone (301-846-1093). A librarian can come to your desk to assist you with literature searching or troubleshooting tools, such as EndNote or Reference Manager.

These are only a few examples of questions that the Laptop Librarian can answer:

  • How do I find this patent?
  • Can I access this journal at home?
  • Why can't I find more articles on ___________?
  • Why won't EndNote/Reference Manager format my documents?
  • Can PubMed search my topic automatically every week and send me results via email?

Contact the Library if you would like to have a Laptop Librarian visit your location.

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P.O. Box B., Bldg. 549, Frederick, MD 21702      Tel: (301) 846-1093      Email:
Last Updated: Monday, December 15, 2008      Suggestion Box
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