June 6, 1977 Lor i 1 1 b ro wn- Ke z anka Legislative Aide State Capitol iiooiil 5031 Sacrmento, California 95d14 sear 21s. Kezanka: I mi sorry that iny scn~dula resulted in a delay in ny response to you. ~nclssed is a copy or tile tcsti.nony I prepareit for presentation oeiore tne California AsseaSly Coztmittees on dealti? and Resources, Land Use and dnersy last January. I'JI sure you realize ttiat til? actus1 tcastisony, as mom in trie transcript, differed from tile prepared tevtiinony because of pxc:ialiges witti tile Assea~ly ne.nbers. pernaps tile inovt pertinent additional informtion I can offer is to oring y~u up to date on activities in tne Congress. After several hearings, niultiple bills and draft oi118, new versions have Seen offered both in tile douse (tiii7418) and Senate (S1217), 'he two bills are not identical and at present it is difficuit to predict nod si:nilar tney will be prior to t!ieir being reported out of C~~mittee~ and voted on. It is apparent that a real sense of urgency exisrs in the Consress concerning tap need proaptly to enact legislation that uill control recoabinant DHA rgsearch in 90th the private and puulic sector. rrotn oilis provide for licensinq procedures for carrying out experiments, inspection of laboratories, regulations governin.: procrdurPs, and civi 1 and crininal penalties. biveii the nat ure of t iie sperul at i ve hazards oE recoaoi nant DilA researcn and particularly the fact that escaped organisms will not honor geograpnic boundaries, it is clear that only nation-wide safety :neasures can provide ttie confidence tnat experisents will be conducted with ;iinimal or negligible risk for all. I'nerefore, it is aiy Deliat tnat interested tnesbers of tne California legislature might want to inform ttie~~selves concerning Congressional efforts and to offer the iongress their advice on ttiesa 3atters. will ue well-served by such participation. It is, I wlieve, less In ray view the whole country Page 2 - Lorill srom-Kezanka useful to press for State or local action on tnis nlatter, for the reasons statpd above as well as tne fact that aultiple regulatory meclianj 6'uls will be uoth costly and confusing. Snould you wisn to have additional information please get in toucn witn me again. Sincere1 y yours, idaxine Singer, Ph.13. i~ead, Nucleic Acid Enzy!nol ogy Sect ion Laboratory of biochemistry iinc I oaure